- Jan 22, 2020
- Jan 21, 2020
anarcat authored
we're still on track though
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
This is in preparation to communicating to service admins.
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
The rationale of this is that we want to speed up the upgrade process and not let the upgrade wait for operator wandering away in another distraction. Inversely, it allows operators to exactly do other things instead of just staring at the terminal, waiting for the process to complete. This assumes users either like bell noises or have turned them off in their terminal. In my case, the terminal is set to send a "urgent" signal to the window manager when it receives a "bell", using this Xresources configuration: URxvt.urgentOnBell: true XTerm*bellIsUrgent: true XTerm*visualBell: false In i3 with i3status (and py3status), the affected workspace gets a nice red background, telling me the upgrade is waiting for my input.
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
This reduces the clutter of recording files left lying around.
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
- Jan 20, 2020
- Jan 17, 2020
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
A glossary doesn't belong in the tutorial, which expects the user to know nothing of the service. That belonds in the Howto section, where we expect to learn a little more about the service before doing things.
anarcat authored
I added that TODO based on a misunderstanding of the function of the private network between the Ganeti nodes. It's not there to provide a private network between *instances*, but really just the nodes, for DRBD and Ganeti traffic. So it makes no sense to allocate private IPs to the instances in that context.
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
We remove the `gnt-node list` command because it's included in the other.
anarcat authored
anarcat authored
The rationale is that this part is more rarely used and definitely more complex than a Howto.
anarcat authored