Prepare testing plans and supporting materials for S9 partners
The Community team are launching a call for proposals (see for select partners in East Africa and MENA to apply for funding to conduct Tor training workshops, user research for Tor, or both. Upon acceptance, our partners will be onboarded in February 2024 and run their activities in March and April 2024.
In advance of their onboarding, we need to prepare the following materials for successful applicants:
- Two detailed testing plans
- A demographics questionnaire
- Worksheets and/or reporting templates
Our partners may conduct their activities in person, remotely or via a hybrid approach, and connectivity may be limited or unreliable. As such, the materials created to support the studies must be usable online, offline or when printed too. If possible, instead of creating separate materials for screen and print, an interactive PDF for each material may work well.
We should also give each of the materials a little design TLC to help readers scan their content, using light graphic devices and sensible layouts to break up streams of text. For typography, display headings should be set in Space Grotesk, whereas small headings and body text should be set in Inter.
Estimate: 72–109 h, including #8 (closed) and #90