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refactor: Run site through Black-compatible formatter

stephen requested to merge black-formatting-pass into main

Code formatting is a great way to ensure that, in a shared codebase, no time is wasted by any contributor in enforcing (or re-enforcing) a particular formatting standard. It also promotes readability by ensuring that anyone reading through the codebase can have the same expectations about code convention throughout the entirety of the repository.

While donate-neo has type checking and linting built into its build process, there is currently no code formatter set up to run on its contents. This commit represents the results of running the codebase through ruff, a Black-compatible Rust-based Python code formatter.

Changes made include, but are not limited to:

  • Converting single-quotes to double-quotes in scenarios where either could be used
  • Moving comment blocks to their contextually-appropriate indentation depth
  • Removing spurious whitespace not linted by flake8 or isort

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