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Add Content-Security-Policy to the offline manual.

Pier Angelo Vendrame requested to merge pierov/tbmanual:offline-manual-csp into main

about: pages in Firefox should have Content-Security-Policy set.

Testing instruction in a live Tor Browser instance (unless we ask some other TBB dev to check it 😄 ):

  1. find browser/omni.ja
  2. extract it as a normal zip file
  3. go to chrome/browser/content/browser/manual
  4. add the Content-Security-Policy from this MR in the HTML file of your lang
  5. re-zip omni.ja
  6. replace it in Tor Browser (you might want to use a fresh/temporary/not-your-usual installation)
  7. check that links are still working, pages are still styled, and images are still shown
Edited by Pier Angelo Vendrame

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