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Fix technical and logical error

Merged Martin Gebhardt requested to merge martin/support:martin-main-patch-31828 into main
1 unresolved thread
1 file
+ 11
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@@ -21,25 +21,23 @@ Then you need to add the following entries to `/etc/apt/sources.list` or a new f
# For the stable version.
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg] tor://apow7mjfryruh65chtdydfmqfpj5btws7nbocgtaovhvezgccyjazpqd.onion/ <DISTRIBUTION> main
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg] tor+http://apow7mjfryruh65chtdydfmqfpj5btws7nbocgtaovhvezgccyjazpqd.onion/ <DISTRIBUTION> main
# For the unstable version.
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg] tor://apow7mjfryruh65chtdydfmqfpj5btws7nbocgtaovhvezgccyjazpqd.onion/ tor-nightly-main-<DISTRIBUTION> main
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg] tor+http://apow7mjfryruh65chtdydfmqfpj5btws7nbocgtaovhvezgccyjazpqd.onion/ tor-nightly-main-<DISTRIBUTION> main
Replace `<DISTRIBUTION>` with your Operating System codename. Run `lsb_release -c` or `cat /etc/debian_version` to check the Operating System version.
### Add the gpg key used to sign the packages by running the following command at your command prompt:
Since Debian bookworm you can also use the more modern deb822-style:
# wget -qO- | gpg --dearmor | tee /usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null
### Install tor and tor debian keyring
Now refresh your sources and try to install tor and tor debian keyring:
# apt update
# apt install tor
# echo "\
Types: deb deb-src
Components: main
Suites: bookworm
URIs: tor+http://apow7mjfryruh65chtdydfmqfpj5btws7nbocgtaovhvezgccyjazpqd.onion/
Architectures: amd64 arm64 i386
Signed-By: /usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg
" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tor.sources