// Snowflake-specific websocket server plugin. It reports the transport name as
package main
import (
pt ""
const ptMethodName = "snowflake"
const requestTimeout = 10 * time.Second
// How long to wait for ListenAndServe or ListenAndServeTLS to return an error
// before deciding that it's not going to return.
const listenAndServeErrorTimeout = 100 * time.Millisecond
var ptInfo pt.ServerInfo
func usage() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `Usage: %s [OPTIONS]
WebSocket server pluggable transport for Snowflake. Works only as a managed
proxy. Uses TLS with ACME (Let's Encrypt) by default. Set the certificate
hostnames with the --acme-hostnames option. Use ServerTransportListenAddr in
torrc to choose the listening port. When using TLS, this program will open an
additional HTTP listener on port 80 to work with ACME.
// Copy from WebSocket to socket and vice versa.
func proxy(local *net.TCPConn, conn *websocketconn.Conn) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
if _, err := io.Copy(conn, local); err != nil {
log.Printf("error copying ORPort to WebSocket %v", err)
if err := local.CloseRead(); err != nil {
log.Printf("error closing read after copying ORPort to WebSocket %v", err)
go func() {
if _, err := io.Copy(local, conn); err != nil {
log.Printf("error copying WebSocket to ORPort %v", err)
if err := local.CloseWrite(); err != nil {
log.Printf("error closing write after copying WebSocket to ORPort %v", err)
// Return an address string suitable to pass into pt.DialOr.
func clientAddr(clientIPParam string) string {
if clientIPParam == "" {
return ""
// Check if client addr is a valid IP
clientIP := net.ParseIP(clientIPParam)
if clientIP == nil {
return ""
// Add a dummy port number. USERADDR requires a port number.
return (&net.TCPAddr{IP: clientIP, Port: 1, Zone: ""}).String()
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{
CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool { return true },
type HTTPHandler struct{}
func (handler *HTTPHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ws, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
if err != nil {
conn := websocketconn.New(ws)
// Pass the address of client as the remote address of incoming connection
clientIPParam := r.URL.Query().Get("client_ip")
addr := clientAddr(clientIPParam)
if addr == "" {
statsChannel <- false
} else {
statsChannel <- true
or, err := pt.DialOr(&ptInfo, addr, ptMethodName)
log.Printf("failed to connect to ORPort: %s", err)
defer or.Close()
func initServer(addr *net.TCPAddr,
getCertificate func(*tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error),
listenAndServe func(*http.Server, chan<- error)) (*http.Server, error) {
// We're not capable of listening on port 0 (i.e., an ephemeral port
// unknown in advance). The reason is that while the net/http package
// exposes ListenAndServe and ListenAndServeTLS, those functions never
// return, so there's no opportunity to find out what the port number
// is, in between the Listen and Serve steps.
if addr.Port == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot listen on port %d; configure a port using ServerTransportListenAddr", addr.Port)
server := &http.Server{
Addr: addr.String(),
ReadTimeout: requestTimeout,
// We need to override server.TLSConfig.GetCertificate--but first
// server.TLSConfig needs to be non-nil. If we just create our own new
// &tls.Config, it will lack the default settings that the net/http
// package sets up for things like HTTP/2. Therefore we first call
// http2.ConfigureServer for its side effect of initializing
// server.TLSConfig properly. An alternative would be to make a dummy
// net.Listener, call Serve on it, and let it return.
err := http2.ConfigureServer(server, nil)
return server, err
server.TLSConfig.GetCertificate = getCertificate
// Another unfortunate effect of the inseparable net/http ListenAndServe
// is that we can't check for Listen errors like "permission denied" and
// "address already in use" without potentially entering the infinite
// loop of Serve. The hack we apply here is to wait a short time,
// listenAndServeErrorTimeout, to see if an error is returned (because
// it's better if the error message goes to the tor log through
// SMETHOD-ERROR than if it only goes to the snowflake log).
errChan := make(chan error)
go listenAndServe(server, errChan)
select {
case err = <-errChan:
case <-time.After(listenAndServeErrorTimeout):
return server, err
func startServer(addr *net.TCPAddr) (*http.Server, error) {
return initServer(addr, nil, func(server *http.Server, errChan chan<- error) {
log.Printf("listening with plain HTTP on %s", addr)
err := server.ListenAndServe()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error in ListenAndServe: %s", err)
errChan <- err
func startServerTLS(addr *net.TCPAddr, getCertificate func(*tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error)) (*http.Server, error) {
return initServer(addr, getCertificate, func(server *http.Server, errChan chan<- error) {
log.Printf("listening with HTTPS on %s", addr)
err := server.ListenAndServeTLS("", "")
log.Printf("error in ListenAndServeTLS: %s", err)
errChan <- err
func getCertificateCacheDir() (string, error) {
stateDir, err := pt.MakeStateDir()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return filepath.Join(stateDir, "snowflake-certificate-cache"), nil
var acmeHostnamesCommas string
var logFilename string
flag.Usage = usage
flag.StringVar(&acmeEmail, "acme-email", "", "optional contact email for Let's Encrypt notifications")
flag.StringVar(&acmeHostnamesCommas, "acme-hostnames", "", "comma-separated hostnames for TLS certificate")
flag.BoolVar(&disableTLS, "disable-tls", false, "don't use HTTPS")
flag.StringVar(&logFilename, "log", "", "log file to write to")
log.SetFlags(log.LstdFlags | log.LUTC)
var logOutput io.Writer = os.Stderr
if logFilename != "" {
f, err := os.OpenFile(logFilename, os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("can't open log file: %s", err)
logOutput = f
//We want to send the log output through our scrubber first
log.SetOutput(&safelog.LogScrubber{Output: logOutput})
if !disableTLS && acmeHostnamesCommas == "" {
log.Fatal("the --acme-hostnames option is required")
acmeHostnames := strings.Split(acmeHostnamesCommas, ",")
var err error
ptInfo, err = pt.ServerSetup(nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error in setup: %s", err)
var certManager *autocert.Manager
if !disableTLS {
log.Printf("ACME hostnames: %q", acmeHostnames)
var cache autocert.Cache
var cacheDir string
cacheDir, err = getCertificateCacheDir()
if err == nil {
log.Printf("caching ACME certificates in directory %q", cacheDir)
cache = autocert.DirCache(cacheDir)
} else {
log.Printf("disabling ACME certificate cache: %s", err)
certManager = &autocert.Manager{
Prompt: autocert.AcceptTOS,
HostPolicy: autocert.HostWhitelist(acmeHostnames...),
Email: acmeEmail,
Cache: cache,
// The ACME HTTP-01 responder only works when it is running on port 80.
// We actually open the port in the loop below, so that any errors can
// be reported in the SMETHOD-ERROR of some bindaddr.
needHTTP01Listener := !disableTLS
servers := make([]*http.Server, 0)
for _, bindaddr := range ptInfo.Bindaddrs {
if bindaddr.MethodName != ptMethodName {
pt.SmethodError(bindaddr.MethodName, "no such method")
if needHTTP01Listener {
addr := *bindaddr.Addr
addr.Port = 80
log.Printf("Starting HTTP-01 ACME listener")
var lnHTTP01 *net.TCPListener
lnHTTP01, err = net.ListenTCP("tcp", &addr)
log.Printf("error opening HTTP-01 ACME listener: %s", err)
pt.SmethodError(bindaddr.MethodName, "HTTP-01 ACME listener: "+err.Error())
server := &http.Server{
Addr: addr.String(),
Handler: certManager.HTTPHandler(nil),
go func() {
servers = append(servers, server)
needHTTP01Listener = false
var server *http.Server
args := pt.Args{}
if disableTLS {
args.Add("tls", "no")
server, err = startServer(bindaddr.Addr)
} else {
args.Add("tls", "yes")
for _, hostname := range acmeHostnames {
args.Add("hostname", hostname)
server, err = startServerTLS(bindaddr.Addr, certManager.GetCertificate)
log.Printf("error opening listener: %s", err)
pt.SmethodError(bindaddr.MethodName, err.Error())
pt.SmethodArgs(bindaddr.MethodName, bindaddr.Addr, args)
servers = append(servers, server)
sigChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigChan, syscall.SIGTERM)
if os.Getenv("TOR_PT_EXIT_ON_STDIN_CLOSE") == "1" {
// This environment variable means we should treat EOF on stdin
// just like SIGTERM:
go func() {
if _, err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, os.Stdin); err != nil {
log.Printf("error copying os.Stdin to ioutil.Discard: %v", err)
log.Printf("synthesizing SIGTERM because of stdin close")
sigChan <- syscall.SIGTERM
log.Printf("caught signal %q, exiting", sig)
for _, server := range servers {