import (
// Container which keeps track of multiple WebRTC remote peers.
// Implements |SnowflakeCollector|.
// Maintaining a set of pre-connected Peers with fresh but inactive datachannels
// allows allows rapid recovery when the current WebRTC Peer disconnects.
// Note: For now, only one remote can be active at any given moment.
// This is a property of Tor circuits & its current multiplexing constraints,
// but could be updated if that changes.
// (Also, this constraint does not necessarily apply to the more generic PT
// version of Snowflake)
type Peers struct {

Serene Han
snowflakeChan chan Snowflake
activePeers *list.List
capacity int
melt chan struct{}
// Construct a fresh container of remote peers.
func NewPeers(max int) *Peers {
p := &Peers{capacity: max}
// Use buffered go channel to pass snowflakes onwards to the SOCKS handler.

Serene Han
p.snowflakeChan = make(chan Snowflake, max)
p.activePeers = list.New()
p.melt = make(chan struct{}, 1)
return p
// As part of |SnowflakeCollector| interface.
func (p *Peers) Collect() (Snowflake, error) {
cnt := p.Count()
s := fmt.Sprintf("Currently at [%d/%d]", cnt, p.capacity)
if cnt >= p.capacity {
s = fmt.Sprintf("At capacity [%d/%d]", cnt, p.capacity)
return nil, errors.New(s)
log.Println("WebRTC: Collecting a new Snowflake.", s)
// Engage the Snowflake Catching interface, which must be available.
if nil == p.Tongue {
return nil, errors.New("missing Tongue to catch Snowflakes with")
// BUG: some broker conflict here.
connection, err := p.Tongue.Catch()
if nil != err {
return nil, err
// Track new valid Snowflake in internal collection and pass along.
p.snowflakeChan <- connection
// As part of |SnowflakeCollector| interface.

Serene Han
func (p *Peers) Pop() Snowflake {
// Blocks until an available, valid snowflake appears.
var snowflake Snowflake
var ok bool
for nil == snowflake {
snowflake, ok = <-p.snowflakeChan
conn := snowflake.(*WebRTCPeer)
if !ok {
return nil
if conn.closed {
snowflake = nil
// Set to use the same rate-limited traffic logger to keep consistency.
snowflake.(*WebRTCPeer).BytesLogger = p.BytesLogger
return snowflake
// As part of |SnowflakeCollector| interface.
func (p *Peers) Melted() <-chan struct{} {
return p.melt
// Returns total available Snowflakes (including the active one)
// The count only reduces when connections themselves close, rather than when
// they are popped.
func (p *Peers) Count() int {
return p.activePeers.Len()
func (p *Peers) purgeClosedPeers() {
for e := p.activePeers.Front(); e != nil; {
next := e.Next()
conn := e.Value.(*WebRTCPeer)
// Purge those marked for deletion.
if conn.closed {
e = next
// Close all Peers contained here.
func (p *Peers) End() {
p.melt <- struct{}{}
cnt := p.Count()
for e := p.activePeers.Front(); e != nil; {
next := e.Next()
conn := e.Value.(*WebRTCPeer)
e = next
log.Println("WebRTC: melted all", cnt, "snowflakes.")