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  • Cecylia Bocovich's avatar
    Connect pion library logger with snowflake log · 2b043575
    Cecylia Bocovich authored
    We need to set up the pion/webrtc logger to write output to the
    snowflake log, otherwise the warnings we are getting from the pion
    library are being lost.
    Note: this requires go version 1.13 and later in order to use the
    `log.Writer()` function.
    Connect pion library logger with snowflake log
    Cecylia Bocovich authored
    We need to set up the pion/webrtc logger to write output to the
    snowflake log, otherwise the warnings we are getting from the pion
    library are being lost.
    Note: this requires go version 1.13 and later in order to use the
    `log.Writer()` function.
webrtc.go 9.90 KiB
package lib

import (


// Remote WebRTC peer.
// Implements the |Snowflake| interface, which includes
// |io.ReadWriter|, |Resetter|, and |Connector|.
// Handles preparation of go-webrtc PeerConnection. Only ever has
// one DataChannel.
type WebRTCPeer struct {
	id        string
	config    *webrtc.Configuration
	pc        *webrtc.PeerConnection
	transport SnowflakeDataChannel // Holds the WebRTC DataChannel.
	broker    *BrokerChannel

	offerChannel  chan *webrtc.SessionDescription
	answerChannel chan *webrtc.SessionDescription
	errorChannel  chan error
	recvPipe      *io.PipeReader
	writePipe     *io.PipeWriter
	lastReceive   time.Time
	buffer        bytes.Buffer
	reset         chan struct{}

	closed bool

	lock sync.Mutex // Synchronization for DataChannel destruction
	once sync.Once  // Synchronization for PeerConnection destruction


// Construct a WebRTC PeerConnection.
func NewWebRTCPeer(config *webrtc.Configuration,
	broker *BrokerChannel) *WebRTCPeer {
	connection := new(WebRTCPeer) = "snowflake-" + uniuri.New()
	connection.config = config = broker
	connection.offerChannel = make(chan *webrtc.SessionDescription, 1)
	connection.answerChannel = make(chan *webrtc.SessionDescription, 1)
	// Error channel is mostly for reporting during the initial SDP offer
	// creation & local description setting, which happens asynchronously.
	connection.errorChannel = make(chan error, 1)
	connection.reset = make(chan struct{}, 1)

	// Override with something that's not NullLogger to have real logging.
	connection.BytesLogger = &BytesNullLogger{}

	// Pipes remain the same even when DataChannel gets switched.
	connection.recvPipe, connection.writePipe = io.Pipe()
	return connection

// Read bytes from local SOCKS.
// As part of |io.ReadWriter|
func (c *WebRTCPeer) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
	return c.recvPipe.Read(b)

// Writes bytes out to remote WebRTC.
// As part of |io.ReadWriter|
func (c *WebRTCPeer) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
	defer c.lock.Unlock()
	// TODO: Buffering could be improved / separated out of WebRTCPeer.
	if nil == c.transport {
		log.Printf("Buffered %d bytes --> WebRTC", len(b))
	} else {
	return len(b), nil

// As part of |Snowflake|
func (c *WebRTCPeer) Close() error {
	c.once.Do(func() {
		c.closed = true
		log.Printf("WebRTC: Closing")
	return nil

// As part of |Resetter|
func (c *WebRTCPeer) Reset() {
	if nil == c.reset {
	c.reset <- struct{}{}

// As part of |Resetter|
func (c *WebRTCPeer) WaitForReset() { <-c.reset }

// Prevent long-lived broken remotes.
// Should also update the DataChannel in underlying go-webrtc's to make Closes
// more immediate / responsive.
func (c *WebRTCPeer) checkForStaleness() {
	c.lastReceive = time.Now()
	for {
		if c.closed {
		if time.Since(c.lastReceive).Seconds() > SnowflakeTimeout {
			log.Println("WebRTC: No messages received for", SnowflakeTimeout,
				"seconds -- closing stale connection.")

// As part of |Connector| interface.
func (c *WebRTCPeer) Connect() error {
	log.Println(, " connecting...")
	// TODO: When go-webrtc is more stable, it's possible that a new
	// PeerConnection won't need to be re-prepared each time.
	err := c.preparePeerConnection()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	err = c.establishDataChannel()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("WebRTC: Could not establish DataChannel.")
	err = c.exchangeSDP()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	go c.checkForStaleness()
	return nil

// Create and prepare callbacks on a new WebRTC PeerConnection.
func (c *WebRTCPeer) preparePeerConnection() error {
	if nil != c.pc {
		c.pc = nil

	logFactory := logging.NewDefaultLoggerFactory()
	logFactory.DefaultLogLevel = logging.LogLevelError
	logFactory.Writer = log.Writer()

	s := webrtc.SettingEngine{
		LoggerFactory: logFactory,
	api := webrtc.NewAPI(webrtc.WithSettingEngine(s))
	pc, err := api.NewPeerConnection(*c.config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("NewPeerConnection ERROR: %s", err)
		return err
	// Prepare PeerConnection callbacks.
	// Allow candidates to accumulate until ICEGatheringStateComplete.
	pc.OnICECandidate(func(candidate *webrtc.ICECandidate) {
		if candidate == nil {
			log.Printf("WebRTC: Done gathering candidates")
		} else {
			log.Printf("WebRTC: Got ICE candidate: %s", candidate.String())
	pc.OnICEGatheringStateChange(func(state webrtc.ICEGathererState) {
		if state == webrtc.ICEGathererStateComplete {
			log.Println("WebRTC: ICEGatheringStateComplete")
			c.offerChannel <- pc.LocalDescription()
	// This callback is not expected, as the Client initiates the creation
	// of the data channel, not the remote peer.
	pc.OnDataChannel(func(channel *webrtc.DataChannel) {
		panic("Unexpected OnDataChannel!")
	c.pc = pc
	go func() {
		offer, err := pc.CreateOffer(nil)
		// TODO: Potentially timeout and retry if ICE isn't working.
		if err != nil {
			c.errorChannel <- err
		log.Println("WebRTC: Created offer")
		err = pc.SetLocalDescription(offer)
		if err != nil {
			c.errorChannel <- err
		log.Println("WebRTC: Set local description")
	log.Println("WebRTC: PeerConnection created.")
	return nil

// Create a WebRTC DataChannel locally.
func (c *WebRTCPeer) establishDataChannel() error {
	defer c.lock.Unlock()
	if c.transport != nil {
		panic("Unexpected datachannel already exists!")
	ordered := true
	dataChannelOptions := &webrtc.DataChannelInit{
		Ordered: &ordered,
	dc, err := c.pc.CreateDataChannel(, dataChannelOptions)
	// Triggers "OnNegotiationNeeded" on the PeerConnection, which will prepare
	// an SDP offer while other goroutines operating on this struct handle the
	// signaling. Eventually fires "OnOpen".
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("CreateDataChannel ERROR: %s", err)
		return err
	dc.OnOpen(func() {
		defer c.lock.Unlock()
		log.Println("WebRTC: DataChannel.OnOpen")
		if nil != c.transport {
			panic("WebRTC: transport already exists.")
		// Flush buffered outgoing SOCKS data if necessary.
		if c.buffer.Len() > 0 {
			log.Println("Flushed", c.buffer.Len(), "bytes.")
		// Then enable the datachannel.
		c.transport = dc
	dc.OnClose(func() {
		// Future writes will go to the buffer until a new DataChannel is available.
		if nil == c.transport {
			// Closed locally, as part of a reset.
			log.Println("WebRTC: DataChannel.OnClose [locally]")
		// Closed remotely, need to reset everything.
		// Disable the DataChannel as a write destination.
		log.Println("WebRTC: DataChannel.OnClose [remotely]")
		c.transport = nil
		// Unlock before Close'ing, since it calls cleanup and asks for the
		// lock to check if the transport needs to be be deleted.
	dc.OnMessage(func(msg webrtc.DataChannelMessage) {
		if len(msg.Data) <= 0 {
			log.Println("0 length message---")
		n, err := c.writePipe.Write(msg.Data)
		if err != nil {
			// TODO: Maybe shouldn't actually close.
			log.Println("Error writing to SOCKS pipe")
		if n != len(msg.Data) {
			log.Println("Error: short write")
			panic("short write")
		c.lastReceive = time.Now()
	log.Println("WebRTC: DataChannel created.")
	return nil

func (c *WebRTCPeer) sendOfferToBroker() {
	if nil == {
	offer := c.pc.LocalDescription()
	answer, err :=
	if nil != err || nil == answer {
		log.Printf("BrokerChannel Error: %s", err)
		answer = nil
	c.answerChannel <- answer

// Block until an SDP offer is available, send it to either
// the Broker or signal pipe, then await for the SDP answer.
func (c *WebRTCPeer) exchangeSDP() error {
	select {
	case <-c.offerChannel:
	case err := <-c.errorChannel:
		log.Println("Failed to prepare offer", err)
		return err
	// Keep trying the same offer until a valid answer arrives.
	var ok bool
	var answer *webrtc.SessionDescription = nil
	for nil == answer {
		go c.sendOfferToBroker()
		answer, ok = <-c.answerChannel // Blocks...
		if !ok || nil == answer {
			log.Printf("Failed to retrieve answer. Retrying in %d seconds", ReconnectTimeout)
			<-time.After(time.Second * ReconnectTimeout)
			answer = nil
	log.Printf("Received Answer.\n")
	err := c.pc.SetRemoteDescription(*answer)
	if nil != err {
		log.Println("WebRTC: Unable to SetRemoteDescription:", err)
		return err
	return nil

// Close all channels and transports
func (c *WebRTCPeer) cleanup() {
	if nil != c.offerChannel {
	if nil != c.answerChannel {
	if nil != c.errorChannel {
	// Close this side of the SOCKS pipe.
	if nil != c.writePipe {
		c.writePipe = nil
	if nil != c.transport {
		log.Printf("WebRTC: closing DataChannel")
		dataChannel := c.transport
		// Setting transport to nil *before* dc Close indicates to OnClose that
		// this was locally triggered.
		c.transport = nil
		// Release the lock before calling DeleteDataChannel (which in turn
		// calls Close on the dataChannel), but after nil'ing out the transport,
		// since otherwise we'll end up in the onClose handler in a deadlock.
		if c.pc == nil {
			panic("DataChannel w/o PeerConnection, not good.")
	} else {
	if nil != c.pc {
		log.Printf("WebRTC: closing PeerConnection")
		err := c.pc.Close()
		if nil != err {
			log.Printf("Error closing peerconnection...")
		c.pc = nil