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Forked from The Tor Project / TPA / Wiki Replica
3502 commits behind the upstream repository.

Service documentation

This documentation covers all services hosted at TPO.

Every service hosted at TPO should have a documentation page, either in this wiki, or elsewhere (but linked here). Services should ideally follow this template to ensure proper documentation.

Internal services

Those are services managed by TPA directly.

Service Purpose URL Maintainers Documented Auth
backup Backups N/A TPA 75% N/A
cache Web caching/accelerator/CDN N/A TPA 90% N/A
dns domain name service N/A TPA 10% N/A
documentation documentation (this wiki) TPA 10% see GitLab
drbd disk redundancy N/A TPA 10% N/A
email forward emails N/A TPA 0% LDAP, Puppet
ganeti virtual machine hosting N/A TPA 90% no
grafana metrics dashboard, pretty graphs TPA, anarcat, hiro 10% Puppet
ipsec VPN N/A TPA 30% Puppet
kvm virtual machine hosting N/A TPA, weasel, anarcat 20% no
ldap host and user directory TPA 90% yes
logging centralized logging N/A TPA 10% no
nagios alerting TPA 5% Puppet and on-server
openstack virtual machine hosting N/A TPA 30% yes
postgresql database service N/A TPA 80% no
prometheus metrics collection and monitoring TPA, anarcat 90% no
puppet configuration management TPA 100% yes
static-component static site mirroring N/A TPA 90% LDAP
tls X509 certificate management N/A TPA 50% no
wkd OpenPGP certificates distribution N/A TPA 10% yes

The Auth column documents whether the service should be audited for access when a user is retired. If set to "LDAP", it means it should be revoked to a LDAP group membership change. In the case of "Puppet", it's because the user might have access through that as well.

It is estimated that, on average, 42% of the documentation above is complete. This does not include undocumented services, below.

Non-TPA services

The following table lists services run on torproject infrastructure. Corresponding onion services are listed on

Service admins are part of tor project sys admins team. For a rough description of what sys admin and services admin do, please have a look here.

The Service Admins maintain the following list of Tor Services.

Service Purpose URL Maintainers Documented Auth
BBB Video and audio conference system gaba, gus - yes
blog Weblog site hiro, anarcat, gus 1% yes
btcpayserver BTCpayserver hiro, asn, sue 90% yes?
check Web app to check if we're using tor arlolra 90% LDAP
CRM Donation management GiantRabbit 5% yes
collector Collects Tor network data and makes it available collector{1,2} karsten, irl ? ?
debian archive Debian package repository weasel 20% LDAP
gettor email responder handing out packages hiro, phw, cohosh 10% no
git Source control system ahf, hiro, irl, nickm, Sebastian, TPA? 70% yes
gitlab Issue tracking, Wikis ahf, hiro 90% yes
irc IRC bouncer and network pastly 90% yes (ZNC and @groups on OFTC)
jenkins continuous integration, autobuilding weasel LDAP
lists Mailing lists atagar, qbi 20% yes
metrics Network descriptor aggregator and network data visualizer karsten ? ?
nextcloud NextCloud anarcat, gaba, hiro, ln5 30% yes
newsletter Tor Newsletter gus ? LDAP
onionperf Tor network performance measurements ? hiro, acute, ahf ? ?
ooni Open Observatory of Network Interference hellais ? no
schleuder Encrypted mailing lists dgoulet, hiro 30% yes
rt Email support gus, pili 50% yes
styleguide Style Guide antonela 1% LDAP
support portal Support portal pili, gus 30% LDAP
survey survey application hiro 1% yes
svn Document storage unmaintained 10% yes
website main website hiro, gus ? LDAP

The Auth column documents whether the service should be audited for access when a user is retired. If set to "LDAP", it means it should be revoked to a LDAP group membership change. In the case of "Puppet", it's because the user might have access through that as well.

Every service listed here must have some documentation, ideally following the documentation template. As a courtesy, TPA allows teams to maintain their documentation in a single page here. If the documentation needs to expand beyond that, it should be moved to its own wiki, but still linked here.

There are more (undocumented) services, listed below. Of the 20 services listed above, 6 have an unknown state because the documentation is external (marked with ?). Of the remaining 14 services, it is estimated that 38% of the documentation is complete.

Undocumented service list

WARNING: this is an import of an old Trac wiki page, and no documentation was found for those services. Ideally, each one of those services should have a documentation page, either here or in their team's wiki.

Service Purpose URL Maintainers Auth
archive package archive boklm LDAP?
bridges web application and email responder to learn bridge addresses phw, cohosh yes?
community Community Portal Gus no
consensus-health periodically checks the Tor network for consensus conflicts and other hiccups tom no?
dist packages arma LDAP?
DocTor DirAuth health checks for the tor-consensus-health@ list GeKo no
exonerator website that tells you whether a given IP address was a Tor relay karsten ?
extra static web stuff referenced from the blog (create trac ticket for access) tpa LDAP?
fpcentral.tbb Website to analyze browser fingerprint boklm no?
media ? hiro LDAP
metricsbot Tor Network Status Bot (IRC, Twitter, Mastodon) irl ?
onion list of onion services run by the Tor project weasel no
onionoo web-based protocol to learn about currently running Tor relays and bridges karsten, irl ?
people content provided by Tor people tpa LDAP
research website with stuff for researchers including tech reports karsten LDAP
rpm archive RPM package repository kushal LDAP
stem stem project website and tutorial atagar LDAP?
tb-manual Tor Browser User Manual gus LDAP?
testnet Test network services ? dgoulet ?
translation Translation services emmapeel yes?

The Auth column documents whether the service should be audited for access when a user is retired. If set to "LDAP", it means it should be revoked to a LDAP group membership change. In the case of "Puppet", it's because the user might have access through that as well.


Those services have not been implemented yet but are at the research phase.

Service Purpose URL Maintainers
submission email submission N/A anarcat
status status dashboard N/A anarcat


Those services have been retired.

Service Purpose URL Maintainers Fate
Atlas Tor relay discover irl Replaced by metrics.tpo
Compass AS/country network diversity karsten ?
Globe Replaced by Atlas
Help.tpo TPA docs and support helpdesk tpa Replaced by this GitLab wiki
oniongit test GitLab instance hiro Eventually migrated to GitLab
pipeline ? ?
Prodromus Web chat for support team phoul, lunar, helix ?
Trac Issues, wiki hiro Migrated to GitLab, archived
XMPP Chat/messaging dgoulet Abandoned for lack of users

Documentation assesment

  • Internal: 20 services, 42% complete
  • External: 20 services, 14 documented, of which 38% are complete complete, 6 unknown
  • Undocumented: 23 services
  • Total: 20% of the documentation completed as of 2020-09-30