Putting into needs_review, though this doesn't affect the functionality of the scanner. I'll merge it in any case if it's not reviewed in 1 week.
Trac: Keywords: N/Adeleted, easy added Status: assigned to needs_review
I replied to your question.
Regarding the changelog changes, if you have a graphical diff tool (like meld), you can compare the .rst and the .md, and see that the changes are only the format and the section [Unreleased].
Moving to milestione 1.1 tickets which we don't know if they need to be implemented after 1.0.3 has been released or that can only be done after 1.0 has been released
Seems good to me, but I think it needs a changes file?
You mean a changelog?. There's the one in markdown.
I added an extra changelog file in .rst because i need to convert the .md one to .rst, but there's now in master a .rst one generated this way. The master doesn't have yet this script nor the templates.
(I don't need to review your changes file, because we have an automated script for that!
The changelog is semi-automated. I left one line per feature/bug and removed the extra commit lines.
So feel free to flip it into merge_ready when you're done.)
I'm going to assume that this is still ready to merge.
Trac: Status: needs_revision to merge_ready Actualpoints: N/Ato 1
Add keyword to help planify releases/milestones.
Tickets that doesn't imply a change of version are tickets which do not affect the code (docs, tests) and some time of refactors.