sbws: unspecified
All issues for this milestone are closed. You may close this milestone now.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Maybe add new type of errors in the bandwidth file
- SBWS maatuska is broken
- Rename constants containing list of keys in
- Document which branches developers should base their patches on
- Refactor code that obtain headers from the state file
- Test changes in descriptors
- Test tor dormant mode
- Create a tool to detect issues in the bandwidth files given their key/values
- Allow to connect to an external control port
- Parent ticket to improve test coverage and integration tests
- scanner integration test fails some times because the test Web server is not multi-threaded
- Write the contents of the state file in order
- Stop comparing file_created key in test
- Parent ticket for scanner improvements
- Parent ticket for easy tickets that do not change version
- Easy deployments in test server running in public network
- Catch SIGHUP to be able to reload configuration without stopping the scanner
- Update trac wiki pages where sbws should be listed
- Consider measuring all the network at once
- Create an script to detect bugs with the KeyValues to monitor not reported releay
- Document new sbws trac keywords
- Remove never used "userquery" code
- Check output of generate in the integration tests
- Rename constants, variables, classes, methods, functions
- Refactor RelayList
- Include a refactor plan
- Refactor Relay and RelayList to be able to initialize them without Tor's controller
- Change the way the consensus is received
- sbws reports fewer relays than torflow
- Create a git hook to set default commit message that will help automate releases
- Create an script to automate releases
- Document number of threads configuration depending on the machine available bandwidth
- Adapt bandwidth file classes to be compatible with stem (descriptors, etc) documents
- Remove unused code
- Improve code style following PEP8 and PEP257
- Some tor configuration options are sensitive to the order
- Move all or part of the documentation about Tor and the bandwidth scanner
- Does sbws need Tor to report observed bandwidths more often?
- Stop the integration tests http server when the tests end
- Upload sbws to PyPI
- Add requirements files
- Redesign sbws torrc option configuration
- Simplify configuration options
- Make conf['tor']['extra_lines'] into a torrc file
- Maybe implement resolving destination domain using Tor's RESOLVE and ADDRMAP events
- Make sbws easy to understand and maintain
- Obtain the new descriptors and network status documents by signals instead of every 5min
- Open trac tickets for every open sbws GitHub issue
- Use an 11 second download in sbws
- Prioritize relays with no measured bandwidth in the consensus
- Measure exits as non-exits with 50% probability
- improve new SBWS rounding to exhibit uniform percent deltas
- Refactor bandwidth file generation code
- Change integration tests from bash to shell
- Make a policy for adding new sbws relay keys
- Investigate circuit timeout times and if sbws is properly cleaning up circuits when it gives up on them
- When sbws has measured less than 60% of relays, write a header with progress
- sbws: compare relays against other similar relays
- sbws: design and construct bias curves
- sbws: use a decaying average for measured and observed bandwidths
- sbws: weight bandwidths based on the time since the last bandwidth
- sbws: use at least 3 days of observed bandwidths
- sbws: use at least 4 measurements that are at least 6 hours apart
- Implement sbws features in the tor authority code
- (sub-)packages outside of core (cli) should not need to know about confs and args
- Tests that launch sbws in a subprocess
- Improve sbws bandwidth accuracy
- Dockerfile for sbws basic install
- Work out a policy for resolving differences between torflow and sbws
- Transition plan from Torflow to sbws
- bwauth improvements (ex-parent ticket for SoP planned tasks)
- bwauth code needs to be smarter about failed circuits
- Detect overtuned exit relays
- Understand how accurate the bandwidth authority estimates are
- Bw auths don't count circuit failures in descriptor mode
- Implement bwauth cap for TCP socket exhaustion
- Implement bwauth cap for latency
- Minimize time between new relay appearing and having some bw vote for it
- Testing framework/dataset for bw auths
- bwauth should reschedule quicker bandwidth test when bandwidthrate changes?