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Forked from
The Tor Project / Applications / Tor Browser
224210 commits behind, 290 commits ahead of the upstream repository.

Kathleen Brade
When Tor informs the browser that client authentication is needed, temporarily load about:blank instead of about:neterror and prompt for the user's key. If a correctly formatted key is entered, use Tor's ONION_CLIENT_AUTH_ADD control port command to add the key (via Torbutton's control port module) and reload the page. If the user cancels the prompt, display the standard about:neterror "Unable to connect" page. This requires a small change to browser/actors/NetErrorChild.jsm to account for the fact that the docShell no longer has the failedChannel information. The failedChannel is used to extract TLS-related error info, which is not applicable in the case of a canceled .onion authentication prompt. Add a leaveOpen option to so we can display error messages within the popup notification doorhanger without closing the prompt. Add support for onion services strings to the TorStrings module. Add support for Tor extended SOCKS errors (Tor proposal 304) to the socket transport and SOCKS layers. Improved display of all of these errors will be implemented as part of bug 30025. Also fixes bug 19757: Add a "Remember this key" checkbox to the client auth prompt. Add an "Onion Services Authentication" section within the about:preferences "Privacy & Security section" to allow viewing and removal of v3 onion client auth keys that have been stored on disk. Also fixes bug 19251: use enhanced error pages for onion service errors.