Nothing in the design is inherently tied to obfsproxy and flash proxy, and we could run other managed transports in the same way. So it would be nice to have a name for it other than obfs-flash. It would also be nice to be using a repo.
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To be mildly constructive, how about something derived from "metamer" -- it's one section of a plant or animal with a segmented body, which kind of describes the architecture you wind up with this thing.
I also like "metaphase" (a stage in mitosis), "metaphrase" (a word-by-word translation), "metaphyte" (multicellular plant), "metasome" (the hindmost body segment in a segmented animal), and "metazoon" (multicellular animal).
metamorphosis might also be suiting. it has both meta and it resembles obfuscationary situations!
unfortunately it's too lengthy and it sounds like a black metal song name.
We can also name it 'fog' which stands for the function composition of 'f' and 'g' which is usually denoted as 'f o g' = f(g(x)). Fog is also quite obfuscationary. It hides things!
Or maybe we shouldn't name this at all, and just use the hash of the codebase as the identifier for each release. That should show the users that didn't like obfsproxy or flashproxy!
We can also name it 'fog' which stands for the function composition of 'f' and 'g' which is usually denoted as 'f o g' = f(g(x)). Fog is also quite obfuscationary. It hides things!
assigning to our GSoC student :) You get to name a Tor product!
Once you've decided on a name, you can rename the program files (obfs-flash-{client,server}), update any old names in the other files (don't forget to the documentation), and rename your github repo. I'll then rename my own repo, and submit a bunch of more tickets to our sysadmins to do the same for our self-hosted repos.
Trac: Owner: asn to RushingWookie Status: new to assigned
Usually it's best to leave the substring "Tor" out of the name -- it confuses people into thinking that everybody should do it, and pretty soon nobody can tell which things were written by the Tor people and which things were written by other folks. And in some cases the line is blurry, so it's a habit I'd like to get people out of in general.