**Disclaimer: This project is under construction. Nothing is stable.**
Rdsys is short for *r*esource *d*istribution *sys*tem: Resources related to
censorship circumvention (e.g. proxies or download links) are handed out by a
variety of distribution methods to censored users. The goal is to supply
censored users with circumvention proxies, allowing these users to join us on
the open Internet.
Rdsys supersedes
Functionality-wise, rdsys and BridgeDB overlap but rdsys is neither a subset
nor a superset of BridgeDB's functionality.
3. Start the backend by running:
./backend -config conf/config.json
4. Start a distributor, which distributes the backend's resources:
./distributor -name moat -config conf/config.json
curl |jq
More documentation
* [Design and architecture](doc/
* [Resource testing](doc/
* [Implementing new distributors](doc/