- Oct 05, 2023
Bug 41581: Add strings for changing the visibility of the NoScript toolbar button.
Bug 41581: Keep NoScript button in the toolbar (but hidden) by default. Also includes some migration.
Bug 41736: Hide NoScript extension by default. We also hide the unified-extension-button if it would be empty.
This hides it from both the toolbar and the unified extensions panel. We also hide the unified-extension-button if the panel would be empty: not including the NoScript button when it is hidden. As a result, this will be hidden by default until a user installs another extension (or shows the NoScript button and unpins it).
Bug 41736: Add a isNoScript property to Extension class.
Bug 41736: Stop placing the NoScript button in the palette, and let it go to the toolbar by default when shown.
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
MB 243: Make sure about:mullvad-browser is treated as a new tab page
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
MB 244: Fix the link to Mullvad Browser Support
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
Bug 41576: Make sure weather and addon suggestions stay off. Better to set them already for the next ESR.
ma1 authored
Bug 41765: Force about:privatebrowsing in new identity window.
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
Bug 41496 (part 2): Pref review for 115/13.0. Added a couple of prefs that were suggested in the issue and I initially missed. Bug 42147: Add browser.helperApps.deleteTempFileOnExit to our profile
- Oct 04, 2023
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
Besides disabling the "Delete on close checkbox", disable also the "Manage Exceptions" button when always using PBM.
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
about:preferences allow to override some of our defaults, that could be fingeprintable or have some other unwanted consequences.
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
MB 71: Set the updater base URL to Mullvad domain
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
Windows and Linux will be distributed only as portable apps at the beginning, so they should not be settable as default browsers. We will need to improve the logic once we decide to ship system-wide installers, too.
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
This commit disables the about:login page and removes the "Login and Password" section of about:preferences. We do not do anything to the real password manager of Firefox, that is in toolkit: it contains C++ parts that make it difficult to actually prevent it from being built.. Finally, we modify the the function that opens about:login to report an error in the console so that we can quickly get a backtrace to the code that tries to use it.
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
Also: #57: Purge unneeded about: pages
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
We install a few addons from the distribution directory, but they are not automatically enabled for PBM mode. This commit modifies the code that installs them to also add the PBM permission to the known ones.
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
See also: #5: Product name and directory customization #12: Create new branding directories and integrate Mullvad icons+branding #14: Remove Default Built-in bookmarks #35: Add custom PDF icons for Windows builds #48: Replace Mozilla copyright and legal trademarks in mullvadbrowser.exe metadata #51: Update trademark string #104: Update shipped dll metadata copyright/licensing info #107: Add alpha and nightly icons
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
This commit implmenents the the Base Browser's version of _migrateUI.
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
This component adds a new Security Level toolbar button which visually indicates the current global security level via icon (as defined by the extensions.torbutton.security_slider pref), a drop-down hanger with a short description of the current security level, and a new section in the about:preferences#privacy page where users can change their current security level. In addition, the hanger and the preferences page will show a visual warning when the user has modified prefs associated with the security level and provide a one-click 'Restore Defaults' button to get the user back on recommended settings. Bug 40125: Expose Security Level pref in GeckoView
Bug 40253: Explicitly allow NoScript in Private Browsing mode.
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored
Firefox strings use { -brand-product-name }. As a result, it seems that the fork is recommending extensions, whereas AMO curators are doing that. So, we replace the strings with custom ones that clarify that Mozilla is recommending them. We assign the strings with JS because our translation backend does not support Fluent attributes, yet, but once it does, we should switch to them, instead. Upstream bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1825033
Pier Angelo Vendrame authored