Move not UI-related torbutton.js code to modules
is the entry point: we should start there, find out which code does not need to be loaded for every window and move it to a new or existing component.
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Parent Ticket: legacy/trac#28745 (moved)- morgan moved from torbutton#30850 (moved)
moved from torbutton#30850 (moved)
- Alex Catarineu added component::applications/tor browser in Legacy / Trac gitlab-tb-torbutton in Legacy / Trac owner::tbb-team in Legacy / Trac parent::28745 in Legacy / Trac priority::medium in Legacy / Trac severity::normal in Legacy / Trac status::new in Legacy / Trac tbb-torbutton in Legacy / Trac type::defect in Legacy / Trac labels
added component::applications/tor browser in Legacy / Trac gitlab-tb-torbutton in Legacy / Trac owner::tbb-team in Legacy / Trac parent::28745 in Legacy / Trac priority::medium in Legacy / Trac severity::normal in Legacy / Trac status::new in Legacy / Trac tbb-torbutton in Legacy / Trac type::defect in Legacy / Trac labels
- Developer
Add magic gitlab keyword.
Keywords: N/A deleted, gitlab-tb-torbutton added - Trac moved from legacy/trac#30850 (moved)
moved from legacy/trac#30850 (moved)
- Trac removed 1 deleted label
removed 1 deleted label
- morgan changed milestone to %Sponsor 131 - Phase 5 - Ongoing Maintenance
changed milestone to %Sponsor 131 - Phase 5 - Ongoing Maintenance
- morgan marked this issue as related to #40938 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #40938 (closed)
- Gaba added Sponsor 131 label
added Sponsor 131 label
- morgan added Roadmap::Future label
added Roadmap::Future label
- morgan added All Platforms label
added All Platforms label
- Pier Angelo Vendrame marked this issue as related to #41700
marked this issue as related to #41700
- Pier Angelo Vendrame assigned to @pierov
assigned to @pierov
- Pier Angelo Vendrame changed title from Move not UI-related torbutton.js code to XPCOM component/service to Move not UI-related torbutton.js code to modules
changed title from Move not UI-related torbutton.js code to XPCOM component/service to Move not UI-related torbutton.js code to modules
- Pier Angelo Vendrame removed Roadmap::Future label
removed Roadmap::Future label
- Pier Angelo Vendrame added Doing label
added Doing label
- Pier Angelo Vendrame added Next label and removed Doing label
- Pier Angelo Vendrame added Backlog label and removed Next label
- Pier Angelo Vendrame added Next label and removed Backlog label
- Pier Angelo Vendrame added Doing label and removed Next label
- Pier Angelo Vendrame mentioned in issue #40939 (closed)
mentioned in issue #40939 (closed)
- Pier Angelo Vendrame marked this issue as related to tor-browser-build#40901 (closed)
marked this issue as related to tor-browser-build#40901 (closed)
- morgan closed
- morgan removed All Platforms label
removed All Platforms label
- Pier Angelo Vendrame removed Doing label
removed Doing label
- Pier Angelo Vendrame marked this issue as related to tor-browser-build#40965 (closed)
marked this issue as related to tor-browser-build#40965 (closed)