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Bug 41587: Disable the updater for Base Browser

Merge Info

Related Issues

Backport Timeline

  • Immediate - patchsets for critical bug fixes or other major blocker (e.g. fixes for a 0-day exploit) OR patchsets with trivial changes which do not need testing (e.g. fixes for typos or fixes easily verified in a local developer build)
  • Next Minor Stable Release - patchset that needs to be verified in nightly before backport
  • Eventually - patchset that needs to be verified in alpha before backport
  • No Backport - patchset for the next major stable

Upstream Merging

  • Merge to base-browser - typically for !fixups to patches in the base-browser branch, though sometimes new patches as well
    • NOTE: if your changeset includes patches to both base-browser and tor-browser please please make separate merge requests for each part
    • The patch is actually for Base Browser, and then it has a Tor Browser part to undo it, but if the reviewer prefers to, I can create the MR, instead of cherry-picking the first commit directly to Base Browser

Issue Tracking

Change Description

Updates are enabled by default, but we don't create them for Base Browser and we have never customized its preferences for the update server URL.

So, it's currently calling Mozilla for nothing.

Merge request reports