Split out disabling Firefox Home (Activity Stream) to use in base-browser
requested to merge henry/tor-browser:split-out-disabling-activity-stream-bug-41609 into tor-browser-102.7.0esr-12.5-1
Merge Info
Immediate - patchsets for critical bug fixes or other major blocker (e.g. fixes for a 0-day exploit) OR patchsets with trivial changes which do not need testing (e.g. fixes for typos or fixes easily verified in a local developer build) -
Next Minor Stable Release - patchset that needs to be verified in nightly before backport -
Eventually - patchset that needs to be verified in alpha before backport -
No Backport - patchset for the next major stable
- Don't merge to base-browser. Instead, we can cherry pick two of the commits that are meant to be in base-browser in a separate MR.
Change Description
We split out the disabling of Firefox Home (Activity Stream) from "Bug 10760: Integrate TorButton to TorBrowser core" commit and create a separate commit for base-browser that applies the same change, but using "about:blank" instead of "about:tor". Specifically, as commits:
- Revert the part of "Bug 10760: Integrate TorButton to TorBrowser core" related to Firefox Home.
- Fixup "Firefox preference override" from base-browser since we want the newtab preference to be part of our new commit instead.
- A new commit that disable Firefox Home. The home page is either a URL or "about:blank", and the new tab can only be "about:blank". We attach this commit to #31575 (closed) since that roughly corresponds to disabling Activity Stream.
- Fixup "Bug 10760: Integrate TorButton to TorBrowser core" to make "about:tor" the default home page, and available as a page for new tab.
- Reword "Bug 10760: Integrate TorButton to TorBrowser core" to remove the mention of #31575 (closed).
Edited by henry