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Update Cargo.lock for d-a versions

Ian Jackson requested to merge Diziet/arti:lock into main

!1410 (merged) and !1412 (merged) had a semantic conflict in the Cargo lockfile!

!1410 (merged) added a new indirect dependency on derive-adhoc, which is used in pwd-grp. pwd-grp is still declaring a dependency on d-a 0.6.1. (This ought to be updated there in due course, but isn't a bug.)

!1412 (merged) updated our direct dependency on derive-adhoc to require 0.7.x. In fact, the breaking change 0.6.x to 0.7.x is minor and we could have written a more relaxed dependency.But cargo's syntax for that is very clumsy - here is an example from derive-adhoc iteself: itertools = ">=0.10.1, <0.12"

Fix this for now in our tree with a cargo update, to unbreak main.

CC @nickm for his information since he's our release technician, but I will ask @gabi-250 on irc to expedite review and merge.

Merge request reports