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  • Alexander Færøy's avatar
    Only check for bindable ports if we are unsure if it will fail. · 67aefd55
    Alexander Færøy authored
    We currently assume that the only way for Tor to listen on ports in the
    privileged port range (1 to 1023), on Linux, is if we are granted the
    NET_BIND_SERVICE capability. Today on Linux, it's possible to specify
    the beginning of the unprivileged port range using a sysctl
    configuration option. Docker (and thus the CI service Tor uses) recently
    changed this sysctl value to 0, which causes our tests to fail as they
    assume that we should NOT be able to bind to a privileged port *without*
    the NET_BIND_SERVICE capability.
    In this patch, we read the value of the sysctl value via the /proc/sys/
    filesystem iff it's present, otherwise we assume the default
    unprivileged port range begins at port 1024.
    See: #40275