Update "client authorization" documentation with new terminology
There was a recent update documentation to use the new client auth terminology (#1476) · Arti: "restricted discovery".
This should be reflected in the user documentation.
Update the relevant documentation, making sure to explain that restricted discovery is not "real authorization" -- it does not have all the required guarantees for such a system (and that's why makes sense to rename it from "client auth"). It's mainly a best effort prevention for unauthorized access, plus an additional DoS defense. An improved mechanism is discussed at tpo/core/arti#1028. Existing docs are: -
Handle new and existing URLs. Options: - Keep the existing URLs, perhaps making redirections if possible.
- Leave "client authorization" as an alias, as people might still use it for a while.
- Need to coordinate with Applications Team, to check if there are any strings to be updated.
Other: -
Maybe write a quick forum post about this.
Time estimation
- Complexity: very small (0.5 day)
- Uncertainty: low (x1.1)
- Reference (adapted)
Edited by Silvio Rhatto