... because it's having hardware issues, right? at least i am getting SMART warnings... and it's just doing DNS on bare metal so it's too "heavy" and could be replaced with a VM swapped with other orga eventually, if we do need six DNS servers :)
i removed ns2.torproject.org from the torproject.net zone, both in git (so on the primary) and in joker (so in the delegation). i don't believe there are glue records there. the TTL is 12h on there, so I'll wait at least that time before making any further changes to see if anything breaks (i doubt so, but still a good precaution).
there are two domains I'm unsure what to do about:
onion-router.net - I don't have access to the registrar (Network Solutions?) for this one
torsolutionscorp.com - it's in joker, but not in our DNS configuration - ignore? it doesn't resolve anyways
Finally, i'm not sure how to "zero the disk" - i don't, as far as I know, have a remote management interface on this machine, so I don't know how I could do that step. i'll be happy to perform all other steps of course, once the DNS changes are complete.
there are two domains I'm unsure what to do about:
onion-router.net - I don't have access to the registrar (Network Solutions?) for this one
AIUI, that site is historically interesting. If we want to update its delegation, I suspect we need to ask Paul. For now we could probably just point ns2.tpo to one of our remaining nameservers.
torsolutionscorp.com - it's in joker, but not in our DNS configuration - ignore? it doesn't resolve anyways
i was planning on removing ns2.torproject.org altogether, glue records and all. if we keep it on onion-router.net, it will be more difficult to operate that change...
but then again, the reverse is also true: if we remove ns2 and then later want to add it back, it will be more difficult to do that on onion-router.net as well.
i also "renumbered" ns2, ie. i pointed it at ns3's IP addresses, with a note in the zone file about the decision. i picked ns3 because it seems to be the least busy of the nameservers according to Grafana.
the rationale behind keeping a ns2.torproject.org record is that we might still have some glue records (unlikely) or zones (very likely, onion-router.net is one) pointing to it. even though we want to retire the machine, we might not want to deal with changes in that other zone, especially since we might switch DNS services anyways in the long term.
so this will be ready for decommissionning, which i'll finalize tomorrow.
final destruction of the host was completed. upstream was notified that the machine can be physically taken out of service and has been taken out of reverse DNS.