Hosting Centralized Probe Log Collection Server on TPA managed VPS
Currently, Centralized Probe Log Collection server is running at @shelikhoo's private server and private domain name. We are in the process of moving this infrastructure to TPA managed services for better predictability and ease of team cooperation.
Here is the minimum requirement of the server hosting Centralized Probe Log Collection Server:
- Memory: 512 MBytes(may increase when running Prometheus)
- Storage: 5 GBytes(or more for storing raw probe data in the same VPS, this would require 1GB per test, however these data don't have to be stored in this server)
- System: systemd based Linux distribution
- Network: At least 5 publicly accessible TCP ports (don't have to be on a specific port number) plus an SSH port. Preferably not be publicly associated with Tor(do NOT point a torproject related DNS to this address or publish this address anywhere).