in #40758 (closed), we need to tell unattended-upgrades to upgrade tor and tor-geoipdb to follow bullseye-backports.
but the Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern setting we have forbids this explicitly. we don't necessarily want to allow upgrades from backports in all hosts, so a solution might be to start having that setting be customizable in the class. but then we need to remember to add that setting in Hiera, which is error prone.
the solution i'm thinking of is, instead, to stop pretending the origins-pattern can save our backs, and embrace apt pinning instead. this involves setting Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern to * to allow any origin to upgrade packages in u-u. this doesn't actually mean it will upgrade everything to whatever: u-u still respects apt pinning. this policy is actually described in the u-u README file:
If you already configure what to install via apt pinning, you can simply use "origin=*", e.g.:
also, relying on an unattended-upgrades specific hack to keep some upgrades from going through can backfire when we run apt upgrade manually, for example. furthermore, we don't want to have to remember to specify those hacks in two places. an example of this problem is @lavamind's attempt at pinning onionbalance to bullseye-backports in Puppet:
that looks alright, but actually doesn't work: unattended-upgrades will not upgrade this package because while it respects pins, the origin is not in the allowed list, so it will skip it.
i have a similar problem on polyanthum right now, and we had to install hacks for grafana and gitlab for those upgrades to automatically go through.
@lavamind suggested an alternative solution to this which was to add a package-specific cron-job with a special Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern to upgrade just that package, alongside pinning, held together by a puppet define glue. i have those objections to this:
we are likely to forget to put the glue on, which will mean out of date packages
it's possible those u-u jobs will run in parallel which could, at best, lead to one of the job failing
the apt code is already an ugly mess in puppet, and i don't want to add more glue
So i'm going to go through with those steps
run puppet everywhere
lock puppet everywhere to keep it from re-starting the timer
disable the unattended-upgrades timer (systemctl stop apt-daily.timer) to keep u-u from running automatically
run unattended-upgrades everywhere to make sure everything is up to date already
push the patch to enable Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern=*
re-enable puppet
enable, run puppet, disable, everywhere
run unattended-upgrades in noop mode everywhere to make sure there is no change (unattended-upgrades --dry-run -v)
if there is an unwanted change, add it to pinning or the unattended-upgrades block list, go back to the previous step no unwanted change, did a pretty good audit
run unattended-upgrades in wet mode everywhere to make sure there is no change
re-enable the timer
11 of 11 checklist items completed
· Edited by
this takes about 4m30s each time, with 10 hosts failing because of the puppetdb bug each time. luckily, on the second run, only one host (colchicifolium) overlapped between the two batches, so it was fairly easy to resolve.
i have to pause for today, next step is to do this again and go down the rest of the list.
cumin-all 'puppet agent --disable "changes to u-u tpo/tpa/team#40771"'
anarcatmarked the checklist item lock puppet everywhere to keep it from re-starting the timer as completed
marked the checklist item lock puppet everywhere to keep it from re-starting the timer as completed
anarcatmarked the checklist item disable the unattended-upgrades timer (systemctl stop apt-daily.timer) to keep u-u from running automatically as completed
marked the checklist item disable the unattended-upgrades timer (systemctl stop apt-daily.timer) to keep u-u from running automatically as completed
anarcatmarked the checklist item run unattended-upgrades everywhere to make sure everything is up to date already as completed
marked the checklist item run unattended-upgrades everywhere to make sure everything is up to date already as completed
anarcatmarked the checklist item push the patch to enable Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern=* as completed
marked the checklist item push the patch to enable Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern=* as completed
anarcatmarked the checklist item enable, run puppet, disable, everywhere as completed
marked the checklist item enable, run puppet, disable, everywhere as completed
ran puppet everywhere to deploy the new changes, all hosts are marked as "errors" in cumin, but that's normal because they all changed. rerunning puppet to make sure it ran on all hosts (to workaround the puppetdb bug):
15.1% (14/93) of nodes failed to execute command 'patc':,,,,,,,,,,,,,
rerunning on those hosts:
35.7% (5/14) of nodes failed to execute command 'patc':,,,,
60.0% (3/5) of nodes failed to execute command 'patc':,,
it looks like dry-run is not quite going to cut it, because it says, on many hosts:
Checking if system is running on battery is skipped. Please install powermgmt-base package to check power status and skip installing updates when the system is running on battery. Starting unattended upgrades scriptAllowed origins are: origin=*Initial blacklist: gitlab-runner grub-pc openvswitch-switch openvswitch-commonInitial whitelist (not strict): No packages found that can be upgraded unattended and no pending auto-removalsThe list of kept packages can't be calculated in dry-run mode.
the last line is a little alarming, because it seems to say it won't tell us what it's actually going to do in "wet" mode. so i'll try with --download-only instead, and see if that gives a better result.
i have also ran it in wet mode on build-x85-05 and perdulce, and restart the apt-daily.timer there, so those two are done at least.
anarcat@curie:~$ cumin-all 'unattended-upgrades --download-only -v'93 hosts will be,,,,build-x86-[05-06],,,,,chi-node-[01-14],,,,,,,,,,,,,fsn-node-[01-08],,,,,hetzner-hel1-[01-03],hetzner-nbg1-[01-02],,,,,,,,,,,,,onionoo-backend-[01-02],onionoo-frontend-[01-02],,,,,,,,,,,,,,tb-build-[01,03,05],,,,,,,web-fsn-[01-02].torproject.orgOk to proceed on 93 hosts? Enter the number of affected hosts to confirm or "q" to quit 93===== NODE GROUP ===== (1) ----- OUTPUT of ' -v' ----- Starting unattended upgrades script Allowed origins are: origin=* Initial blacklist: gitlab-runner grub-pc openvswitch-switch openvswitch-commonInitial whitelist (not strict): ===== NODE GROUP ===== (4) fsn-node-[05-08] ----- OUTPUT of ' -v' ----- Checking if system is running on battery is skipped. Please install powermgmt-base package to check power status and skip installing updates when the system is running on battery. Initial blacklist : gitlab-runner grub-pc openvswitch-switch openvswitch-commonInitial whitelist: Starting unattended upgrades scriptAllowed origins are: origin=*===== NODE GROUP ===== (32),chi-node-[01-14],,,,,,,,,,,,tb-build-[01,03,05],,, OUTPUT of ' -v' ----- Checking if system is running on battery is skipped. Please install powermgmt-base package to check power status and skip installing updates when the system is running on battery. Starting unattended upgrades scriptAllowed origins are: origin=*Initial blacklist: gitlab-runner grub-pc openvswitch-switch openvswitch-commonInitial whitelist (not strict): ===== NODE GROUP ===== (23),,,,,,,fsn-node-[01-04],,,,,,,,,,,, OUTPUT of ' -v' ----- Checking if system is running on battery is skipped. Please install powermgmt-base package to check power status and skip installing updates when the system is running on battery. Checking if connection is metered is skipped. Please install python3-gi package to detect metered connections and skip downloading updates.Initial blacklist : gitlab-runner grub-pc openvswitch-switch openvswitch-commonInitial whitelist: Starting unattended upgrades scriptAllowed origins are: origin=*===== NODE GROUP ===== (33),,build-x86-[05-06],,,,,,,hetzner-hel1-[02-03],hetzner-nbg1-[01-02],,,,,,onionoo-backend-[01-02],,,,,,,,,,,web-fsn-[01-02] OUTPUT of ' -v' ----- Checking if system is running on battery is skipped. Please install powermgmt-base package to check power status and skip installing updates when the system is running on battery. Checking if connection is metered is skipped. Please install python3-gi package to detect metered connections and skip downloading updates.Starting unattended upgrades scriptAllowed origins are: origin=*Initial blacklist: gitlab-runner grub-pc openvswitch-switch openvswitch-commonInitial whitelist (not strict): ================ PASS |███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100% (93/93) [01:25<00:00, 1.09hosts/s]FAIL | | 0% (0/93) [01:25<?, ?hosts/s]100.0% (93/93) success ratio (>= 0.0% threshold) for command: ' -v'.100.0% (93/93) success ratio (>= 0.0% threshold) of nodes successfully executed all commands.
ie. there are no pending changes at all.
so i think i'll just enable this and be done with it. one thing i'm curious to look at, however, is the apt-cache policy output vs our old setting and see if i missed anything, so i'm going to run that first.
so things are a little more complicated than i hoped in apt-cache policy. here are the different mirrors we use, after s/buster/bullseye and (basically) s/wikipedia/ and s/hetzner/ and sort -u:
so first off, great news, backports is lower priority (100) than installed packages (100). i think. i'm not actually sure how that logic works, because if i read the apt_preferences manpage, that would seem to say that the package should be upgraded. but I did a test on polyanthum and deployed this pin:
# This file is managed by Puppet. DO NOT EDIT.Explanation: newer version needed, see tpo/tpa/team#40758Package: tor tor-geoipdbPin: release n=bullseye-backportsPin-Priority: 500
and unattended-upgrades then happily respects that:
root@polyanthum:~# unattended-upgrade --dry-run -vChecking if system is running on battery is skipped. Please install powermgmt-base package to check power status and skip installing updates when the system is running on battery.Checking if connection is metered is skipped. Please install python3-gi package to detect metered connections and skip downloading updates.Starting unattended upgrades scriptAllowed origins are: origin=*Initial blacklist: gitlab-runner grub-pc openvswitch-switch openvswitch-commonInitial whitelist (not strict): Option --dry-run given, *not* performing real actionsPackages that will be upgraded: tor-geoipdbWriting dpkg log to /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades-dpkg.log[master b725fab2] saving uncommitted changes in /etc prior to apt run 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 apt/preferences.d/tor.pref/usr/bin/dpkg --force-confdef --force-confold --force-confdef --force-confold --status-fd 10 --no-triggers --unpack --auto-deconfigure --force-remove-protected /var/cache/apt/archives/tor-geoipdb_0.4.7.7-1~bpo11+1_all.deb /usr/bin/dpkg --force-confdef --force-confold --force-confdef --force-confold --status-fd 10 --configure --pending All upgrades installedThe list of kept packages can't be calculated in dry-run mode.
whereas it didn't do the upgrade without the pin:
root@polyanthum:~# apt-cache policy tor-geoipdbtor-geoipdb: Installed: Candidate: Version table: 100 100 bullseye-backports/main amd64 Packages *** 500 500 bullseye/main amd64 Packages 500 bullseye-security/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/statusroot@polyanthum:~# unattended-upgrade -vChecking if system is running on battery is skipped. Please install powermgmt-base package to check power status and skip installing updates when the system is running on battery.Checking if connection is metered is skipped. Please install python3-gi package to detect metered connections and skip downloading updates.Starting unattended upgrades scriptAllowed origins are: origin=*Initial blacklist: gitlab-runner grub-pc openvswitch-switch openvswitch-commonInitial whitelist (not strict): No packages found that can be upgraded unattended and no pending auto-removals
... so i think this works as designed, and the --dry-run actually does what i want.
i have upgraded the tor-geoipdb package back right now, i had downgraded this to run this test.
next i'll study the policy output a little more and do a real run everywhere.
all those three were either in the allow list (gitlab and grafana) or are blocked in unattended-upgrades (gitlab-runner), so i think we're safe on all counts.
libjetty9-extra-java -> 9.4.15-1 with priority 501 libjetty9-java -> 9.4.15-1 with priority 501 mtail -> 3.0.0~rc43-3+b2 with priority 500 onionbalance -> 0.2.2-1~bpo11+1 with priority 500 origin origin origin origin origin origin origin origin
those also look okay: mtail is pinned to bullseye in buster, onionbalance to backports (which is what triggered this entire bug), and jetty to snapshots (although that one is actually an error, i think i'll have to look into that: it might be an ineffective pin, but we had that problem anyways).
so i'm confident this change will not impact negatively our infrastructure. the worst thing that could happen would be an accidental upgrade to bullseye, i think. but if there was one pending, u-u dry-run would have caught it.
so let's just do this.
anarcatmarked the checklist item run unattended-upgrades in noop mode everywhere to make sure there is no change (unattended-upgrades --dry-run -v) as completed
marked the checklist item run unattended-upgrades in noop mode everywhere to make sure there is no change (unattended-upgrades --dry-run -v) as completed
anarcatmarked the checklist item if there is an unwanted change, add it to pinning or the unattended-upgrades block list, go back to the previous step as completed
marked the checklist item if there is an unwanted change, add it to pinning or the unattended-upgrades block list, go back to the previous step as completed
anarcat@curie:~$ cumin-all 'unattended-upgrades -v'93 hosts will be,,,,build-x86-[05-06],,,,,chi-node-[01-14],,,,,,,,,,,,,fsn-node-[01-08],,,,,hetzner-hel1-[01-03],hetzner-nbg1-[01-02],,,,,,,,,,,,,onionoo-backend-[01-02],onionoo-frontend-[01-02],,,,,,,,,,,,,,tb-build-[01,03,05],,,,,,,web-fsn-[01-02].torproject.orgOk to proceed on 93 hosts? Enter the number of affected hosts to confirm or "q" to quit 93===== NODE GROUP ===== (1) ----- OUTPUT of 'unattended-upgrades -v' ----- Starting unattended upgrades script Allowed origins are: origin=* Initial blacklist: gitlab-runner grub-pc openvswitch-switch openvswitch-commonInitial whitelist (not strict): No packages found that can be upgraded unattended and no pending auto-removals===== NODE GROUP ===== (4) fsn-node-[05-08] ----- OUTPUT of 'unattended-upgrades -v' ----- Checking if system is running on battery is skipped. Please install powermgmt-base package to check power status and skip installing updates when the system is running on battery. Initial blacklist : gitlab-runner grub-pc openvswitch-switch openvswitch-commonInitial whitelist: Starting unattended upgrades scriptAllowed origins are: origin=*No packages found that can be upgraded unattended and no pending auto-removals===== NODE GROUP ===== (32),chi-node-[01-14],,,,,,,,,,,,tb-build-[01,03,05],,, OUTPUT of 'unattended-upgrades -v' ----- Checking if system is running on battery is skipped. Please install powermgmt-base package to check power status and skip installing updates when the system is running on battery. Starting unattended upgrades scriptAllowed origins are: origin=*Initial blacklist: gitlab-runner grub-pc openvswitch-switch openvswitch-commonInitial whitelist (not strict): No packages found that can be upgraded unattended and no pending auto-removals===== NODE GROUP ===== (23),,,,,,,fsn-node-[01-04],,,,,,,,,,,, OUTPUT of 'unattended-upgrades -v' ----- Checking if system is running on battery is skipped. Please install powermgmt-base package to check power status and skip installing updates when the system is running on battery. Checking if connection is metered is skipped. Please install python3-gi package to detect metered connections and skip downloading updates.Initial blacklist : gitlab-runner grub-pc openvswitch-switch openvswitch-commonInitial whitelist: Starting unattended upgrades scriptAllowed origins are: origin=*No packages found that can be upgraded unattended and no pending auto-removals===== NODE GROUP ===== (1) ----- OUTPUT of 'unattended-upgrades -v' ----- Checking if system is running on battery is skipped. Please install powermgmt-base package to check power status and skip installing updates when the system is running on battery. Checking if connection is metered is skipped. Please install python3-gi package to detect metered connections and skip downloading updates.Starting unattended upgrades scriptAllowed origins are: origin=*Initial blacklist: gitlab-runner grub-pc openvswitch-switch openvswitch-commonInitial whitelist (not strict): Packages that will be upgraded: tor-geoipdbWriting dpkg log to /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades-dpkg.log[master f431e17e] saving uncommitted changes in /etc prior to apt run 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)(Reading database ... 67112 files and directories currently installed.)Preparing to unpack .../tor-geoipdb_0.4.7.7-1~bpo11+1_all.deb ...Unpacking tor-geoipdb ( over ( ...Setting up tor-geoipdb ( ...(Reading database ... 100%Running kernel seems to be up-to-date.No services need to be restarted.No containers need to be restarted.No user sessions are running outdated binaries.All upgrades installed===== NODE GROUP ===== (32),,build-x86-[05-06],,,,,,,hetzner-hel1-[02-03],hetzner-nbg1-[01-02],,,,,,onionoo-backend-[01-02],,,,,,,,,,web-fsn-[01-02] OUTPUT of 'unattended-upgrades -v' ----- Checking if system is running on battery is skipped. Please install powermgmt-base package to check power status and skip installing updates when the system is running on battery. Checking if connection is metered is skipped. Please install python3-gi package to detect metered connections and skip downloading updates.Starting unattended upgrades scriptAllowed origins are: origin=*Initial blacklist: gitlab-runner grub-pc openvswitch-switch openvswitch-commonInitial whitelist (not strict): No packages found that can be upgraded unattended and no pending auto-removals================ PASS |███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100% (93/93) [01:21<00:00, 1.15hosts/s]FAIL | | 0% (0/93) [01:21<?, ?hosts/s]100.0% (93/93) success ratio (>= 0.0% threshold) for command: 'unattended-upgrades -v'.100.0% (93/93) success ratio (>= 0.0% threshold) of nodes successfully executed all commands.
notice how it upgraded tor-geoipdb to backports, as expected.