failure to create SAN-backed VM in gnt-chi
me and @lavamind tried to create a VM in the gnt-chi cluster, backed by the SAN, and we couldn't figure it out. this was for #40683 (closed).
at first, the problem was this:
09:36:12 <lavamind> aaargh
09:36:21 <lavamind> it created a 150G root partition
09:36:31 <lavamind> yeah thats not good
then anarcat tried to create GPT partitions for the device and make ganeti adopt this:
gnt-instance add -n -o debootstrap+bullseye -t blockdev --no-wait-for-sync --net 0:ip=pool,network=gnt-chi-01 --no-ip-check --no-name-check --disk 0:adopt=/dev/disk/by-id/dm-name-telegram-bot-01 --backend-parameters memory=8g,vcpus=2
gnt-instance shutdown --timeout=0
gnt-instance reinstall
and that didn't work at all: it failed with
device-mapper: reload ioctl on telegram-bot-01-1 failed: No such device or address
create/reload failed on telegram-bot-01-1
mke2fs: No such file or directory while trying to determine filesystem size
that seems to be a problem in the patch lavamind submitted to work with the SAN. after hot-fixing this, the script would still fail with:
Re-reading the partition table failed.: Invalid argument
it was found that the partition was being recreated by the install script, specifically in the create
hook, because of the default PARTITION_STYLE=msdos
then we tried with PARTITION_STYLE=none
in /etc/default/ganeti-instance-debootstrap
. @anarcat also ran partprobe
because that was recommended by sgdisk
, but that turned out to be a bad idea because it added a bunch of irrelevant mappings everywhere.
, the VM does go through the install, but somehow fails silently. after the failed install, it's in the ADMIN_down
state. it's unclear why it fails, because all hooks complete succesfully. last lines of the install log:
I: swap configuration hook in /etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap/hooks/swap
Only one disk found, creating a 512M /swapfile instead
512+0 records in
512+0 records out
536870912 bytes (537 MB, 512 MiB) copied, 0.747554 s, 718 MB/s
mkswap: /tmp/tmp.seBabqJnRb/swapfile: insecure permissions 0644, 0600 suggested.
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 512 MiB (536866816 bytes)
no label, UUID=ab94d001-901b-49e1-badf-8fc06966e554
I: make /tmp a tmpfs
notice how "only one disk" is "found" above... that's not a great sign. after the install, also, the partition table on the device is completely empty, which is reasonable because ... well, that's what we asked for.
a possible fix is to do multiple --disk adopt
... stanzas. This is how web-chi-03 (#40193 (closed)) was setup (see #40131 (comment 2728663)) and could serve as a simple workaround for now, which probably doesn't even require hacking at the PARTITION_STYLE. the downside, of course, is significant confusion because you have a partition setup at the SAN layer and then, on the first partition, another MSDOS partition setup. a little odd.
there's an issue upstream about GPT support but in my opinion, it's kind of a distraction... regardless of the partition format, ganeti-instance-debootstrap should be able to handle partitioned drives correctly...
right now it looks like it just wipes whatever you give it, with nothing (if PARTITION_STYLE=none) or with a MSDOS partition (if PARTITION_STYLE=msdos). one has to wonder why it bothers with partitionning in the first place, in a sense...
update: we deliberated quite a bit on design here, and here's the checklist we came up with in the end.
in Python - add support for handling multipath configuration across the cluster
- update the ganeti node creation to mention copying the config from a previous node in the gnt-chi cluster
- update the instance gnt-chi creation docs to use a single disk by default (and warn that swapfile should be resized after install if we worry about memory usage)
- summarize this ticket and design decisions in a wiki page ... somewhere? possibly howto/new-machine-cymru?