TPA-RFC-52: mass VM migration from gnt-chi to gnt-dal
as per TPA-RFC-43, once we have contact at the new colo (#40967 (closed)), the servers are ordered and shipped (#40966 (closed)), burnt-in (#40969 (closed)), installed #40970 (closed), and configured with ganeti #40971 (closed), we need to migrate the entire gnt-chi cluster to it.
the plan is, roughly:
announce VM migration plan, see -
mass VM migration setup (the move-instance command), just missing patch deployment, probably debian packages -
mass migration and renumbering, hopefully Monday 2023-03-20
VMs to migrate:
btcpayserver-02 -
ci-runner-x86-01, @lavamind has the idea of rebuilding the VM, but it was migrated to speed up the gnt-chi retirement and close this ticket. -
dangerzone-01 -
gitlab-dev-01 -
metrics-psqlts-01 -
onionbalance-02 -
probetelemetry-01 -
rdsys-frontend-01 -
static-gitlab-shim -
survey-01 -
tb-pkgstage-01 -
tb-tester-01 -
telegram-bot-01 -
test-01 -
once this is done, the gnt-chi cluster can be (almost) entirely retired, see #40973 (closed) and #40968 (closed).
Edited by anarcat