As our dirauth-conf repo is moving away from to Gitlab we'd like to retain the option to send notifications for git commits pushed to our #tor-internal channel.
unfortunately, kgb-bot does not have access to tor-internal and so all notifications are sent to tor-bots. if that behavior is acceptable then i can enable the notifications to tor-bots, but otherwise we'll need to do some work to get notifications into tor-internal
arma added the kgb-tpa bot to the tor internal access list. i tried changing the config file to add the bot to the tor-internal channel, but it still broadcasts to #tor-bots.
i assume the issue is the repos: [TPA] bit. i'm not sure how to add a new repo to the config, and the upstream kgb-bot docs aren't being very helpful :/
i think i have the bot configured correctly in puppet, but notifications still go to #tor-bots. interestingly, kgb-tpa isn't even joining the tor-internal channel, despite what the log says
2023.12.12 18:58:41: PID 77635 Listening on 18:58:41: Connected to oftc ( 18:58:41: Joining #tor-bots #tor-internal #tor-www...
* [KGB-TPA] ( KGB-TPA* [KGB-TPA] #tor-www +#tor-bots* [KGB-TPA] :London, United Kingdom* [KGB-TPA] user has identified and verified with services* [KGB-TPA] :actually using host* [kgb-tpa] End of WHOIS list.
i think this is done: @kez, can you take over from here?
i think what remains is document the ?private=yes; hack from the webhook URL, and the patch to the debian package (which i applied directly on chives). we also need to check with the submitter that the configuration matches what they want.
I pushed a commit a couple of minutes ago but nothing showed up on #tor-internal yet. Do I need to configure something on my end for the notification to work?
i had disabled the push event trigger for testing, so that the repository didn't send notifications to tor-bots. anarcat fixed the issue, and i've just re-enabled the push event trigger. the next time you push to the master branch, there should be a notification sent in tor-internal!
This issue has been waiting for information two
weeks or more. It needs attention. Please take care of
this before the end of
2024-01-11. ~"Needs
Information" tickets will be moved to the Icebox after
that point.
(Any ticket left in Needs Review, Needs Information, Next, or Doing
without activity for 14 days gets such
notifications. Make a comment describing the current state
of this ticket and remove the Stale label to fix this.)
To make the bot ignore this ticket, add the bot-ignore label.