A CDN is a "Content delivery network", "a geographically distributed network of proxy servers and their data centers. The goal is to provide high availability and performance by distributing the service spatially relative to end users." -- (Wikipedia)
Tor operates its own CDN in the form of the static-component system, but also uses external providers for certain edge cases like domain fronting and Tor browser upgrades (but not installs), since they are delivered over Tor.
This page documents mostly the commercial provider, see the static-component page for our own CDN.
For managing web sites in our own CDN, see doc/static-sites.
Changing components in the static site system
See the static-component documentation.
Domain fronting
The basic idea here is that you setup Fastly as a proxy for a service
that is being censored. Let's call that service
for the purpose of this demonstration.
In the Fastly control panel (password in tor-passwords.git
Press "Create a Delivery service"
as the "Domain", so that requests with that domain in theHost:
will route to this configuration, add name of the service and ticket reference number as a comment -
then add a "host" (a backend, really) named
(yes, again), so that requests to this service will go to the backend (those are also called "origins" in Fastly) -
"Activate" the configuration, this will give you a URL the domain fronting client should be able to use (the "test domain link"), which should be something like
Note that this does not support subpaths
(e.g. example.torproject.net/foo
), make a new virtual host for the
service instead of using a subpath.
Also note that there might be other URLs you can use to reach the service in Fastly, see choosing the right hostname in Fastly's documentation.
Pager playbook
For problems with our own system, see the static-component playbook.
Disaster recovery
For problems with our own system, see the static-component disaster recovery.
We have two main CDNs systems that are managed by TPA. The first and more elaborate one is the static-component system, and the other is a commercial CDN provider, Fastly.
We have both for privacy reasons: we do not want to send our users to an external provider, where we do not control what they do with the user data, specifically their logging (retention) policies, law enforcement collaboration policies and, generally, we want to retain control over that data.
We have two main exceptions: one is for Tor browser upgrades, which are performed over Tor so should not cause any security issues to end users, and the other is domain fronting, which is specifically designed to use commercial CDNs to work around censorship.
Most of the following documentation pertains to the commercial CDN provider, see the static-component documentation for the reference guide on the other CDN.
For static site components, see the static-component installation documentation.
TODO: document how a site gets added into Fastly's CDN.
Not relevant for external CDNs.
There is no SLA specifically written for this service, but see also the static-component SLA.
Design and architecture
TODO: make a small architecture diagram of how Fastly works for TB upgrades and another for domain fronting
Fastly provides services mostly over the web, so HTTPS all the way. It communicates with backends over HTTPS as well.
Fastly has an administrative interface over HTTPS and also an API that we leverage to configure services through the cdn-config-fastly.git. There we define the domains managed by Fastly and their backends.
Unfortunately, that code has somewhat bitrotten, is hard to deploy and to use, and has been abandoned.
The domain fronting stuff is manually configured through the https://manage.fastly.com/ interface.
Fastly credentials are available in the TPA password manager, in
Fastly is a mostly proprietary service, but apparently uses Varnish (as of 2020).
Related services
Depends on TLS, DNS and relates to the static-component services.
There is no issue tracker specifically for this project, File or search for issues in the team issue tracker with the label Fastly or static-component label.
Fastly support is at https://support.fastly.com/.
Weasel setup the connection with Fastly in the first place, through his contacts at Debian.org. Anarcat is the current service admin.
This service is used by the anti-censorship and applications teams.
Fastly.com is our provider. The deal was negotiated in 2016
thanks to our Debian connections. Confirmation was in the Message-Id
We have 20k
Monitoring and metrics
No monitoring of the Fastly service, see also tpo/tpa/team#21303.
Unclear. TODO: document how to test if Fastly works for TB and domain fronting.
TODO: document where the fastly logs are.
No backups, ephemeral service.
Other documentation
The CDN service is stable in the sense that it doesn't see much change.
Its main challenge at this point is the duality between Fastly and our bespoke static-component system, with a lot of technical debt in the latter.
Security and risk assessment
There hasn't been a official security review done of the Fastly hosting service or its privacy policy, but it is rumoured that Fastly's privacy policies are relatively innocuous.
In principle, Varnish doesn't keep logs which, out of the box, should expose our users less, but Varnish is probably severely modified from the upstream. They do provide dashboards and statistics which show they inject some VCL in their configuration to at least add those analytics.
TODO: explicitly review the Fastly privacy policies and terms of service
Technical debt and next steps
The biggest technical debt is on the site of the static-component system, which will not be explicitly discussed here.
There is also no automation done for domain fronting, the cdn-config-fastly.git framework covering only the static-component parts.
Proposed Solution
No change is being proposed to the CDN service at this time.
Other alternatives
See static-component.