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bridge settings

cyberta requested to merge bridges_ui into main

follow-up of !70 (merged)

closes #30 (closed) (well, the UI part, depending on tpo/core/onionmasq#54 (closed) for the underlying functionality)

closes #32 (closed)

Known bug in onionmasq: leads to a crash if you try to run tor-vpn over built-in Snowflake or obfs4. Both features are not yet supported by onionmasq. This issue will be mitigated as soon as tpo/core/onionmasq#54 (closed) has been finished, however this crash can still occour in certain internal error cases and needs to be fixed separately in the onionmasq repository.

Manual bridge selection with non-obfuscated bridges can be tested now though. Get these bridges here:

Edited by cyberta

Merge request reports