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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2013-2021, Damian Johnson and The Tor Project
# See LICENSE for licensing information
Performs a variety of checks against the present votes and consensus.
import datetime
import time
import traceback

import util

import stem.descriptor
import stem.descriptor.remote
import stem.util.enum

from stem import Flag
from stem.util.lru_cache import lru_cache
Runlevel = stem.util.enum.UppercaseEnum('NOTICE', 'WARNING', 'ERROR')
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Starlight committed

  'tor26',   # tor26 DirPort does not service requests without a .z suffix
  'dannenberg',   # al asked for skipping the checks for now (2021-01-30)
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Starlight committed
EMAIL_SUBJECT = 'Consensus issues'
BANDWIDTH_AUTHORITIES = ('moria1', 'gabelmoo', 'maatuska', 'bastet', 'longclaw')
CONFIG = stem.util.conf.config_dict('consensus_health', {
  'contact_address': {},
  'contact_via_bcc': [],
log = util.get_logger('consensus_health_checker')

downloader = stem.descriptor.remote.DescriptorDownloader(
  timeout = 60,
  fall_back_to_authority = False,
  document_handler = stem.descriptor.DocumentHandler.DOCUMENT,

Destination = collections.namedtuple('Destination', ('address', 'bcc'))

class Issue(object):
  Problem to be reported at the end of the run.

  def __init__(self, runlevel, template, **attr):
    self._runlevel = runlevel
    self._template = template
    self._attr = attr

    self._authorities = attr.get('to', [])

  def get_message(self):
    Provides the description of the problem.
    :returns: **str** with a description of the issue
    if self._template in CONFIG['msg']:
        return CONFIG['msg'][self._template].format(**self._attr)
        log.error("Unable to apply formatted string attributes to msg.%s: %s" % (self._template, self._attr))
      log.error("Missing configuration value: msg.%s" % self._template)
    return ''

  def get_runlevel(self):
    Provides the runlevel of this issue.

    :reutrns: **Runlevel** for the runlevel of the issue

    return self._runlevel

  def get_destinations(self):
    Provides a mapping of authorities with this issue to their Destination. The
    destination is **None** if no contact information has been configured.

    :returns: **dict** of authorities this concerns to their contact information

    destinations = {}

    for authority in self._authorities:
      if authority in CONFIG['contact_address']:
        address = CONFIG['contact_address'][authority]
        is_via_bcc = authority in CONFIG['contact_via_bcc']

        destinations[authority] = Destination(address, is_via_bcc)
        destinations[authority] = None

    return destinations

  def get_suppression_key(self):
    Provides the key used for issue suppression.

    :returns: **str** used for the configuration key of this issue in the
      suppressions file

    if self._template == 'TOO_MANY_UNMEASURED_RELAYS':
      # Hack because this message has too much dynamic data to be effectively
      # suppressed. Hate doing this here, so better would be to make this a
      # config property.

      attr = dict(self._attr)
      attr.update({'unmeasured': 0, 'total': 0, 'percentage': 0})

      return CONFIG['msg'][self._template].format(**attr).replace(' ', '_')
    elif self._template == 'BANDWIDTH_AUTHORITIES_OUT_OF_SYNC':
      attr = dict(self._attr)
      attr.update({'authorities': ''})

      return CONFIG['msg'][self._template].format(**attr).replace(' ', '_')
    elif self._template == 'LATENCY':
      attr = dict(self._attr)
      attr.update({'authority': '', 'time_taken': '', 'median_time': '', 'authority_times': ''})

      return CONFIG['msg'][self._template].format(**attr).replace(' ', '_')
    elif self._template == 'CLOCK_SKEW':
      attr = dict(self._attr)
      attr.update({'authority': '', 'difference': ''})

      return CONFIG['msg'][self._template].format(**attr).replace(' ', '_')
    elif self._template == 'FLAG_COUNT_DIFFERS':
      attr = dict(self._attr)
      attr.update({'consensus_count': 0, 'vote_count': 0})

      return CONFIG['msg'][self._template].format(**attr).replace(' ', '_')
      return self.get_message().replace(' ', '_')

  def get_suppression_duration(self):
    Provides the number of hours we should suppress this message after it has
    been shown. This is zero if the message shouldn't be suppressed.

    :returns: **int** for the number of hours the message should be suppressed
      after its been shown

    if self._template in CONFIG['suppression']:
      suppression_duration = CONFIG['suppression'][self._template]
        return int(suppression_duration)
      except ValueError:
        log.error("Non-numic suppression time (%s): %s" % (self._template, suppression_duration))
    # Default to suppression based on the severity of the issue.

    if self.get_runlevel() == Runlevel.NOTICE:
      return 24  # 1 day
    elif self.get_runlevel() == Runlevel.WARNING:
      return 4  # 4 hours
      return 0  # no suppression for errors
  def __str__(self):
    return "%s: %s" % (self.get_runlevel(), self.get_message())
def is_rate_limited(issue):
  Check if we have sent a notice with this key within a given period of time.

  :param Issue issue: issue to check the suppression status for
  key = issue.get_suppression_key()
  hours = issue.get_suppression_duration()
  if hours == 0:

  current_time = int(time.time())
  last_seen = stem.util.conf.get_config('last_notified').get(key, 0)
  suppression_time = 3600 * hours
  suppression_time += 1800  # adding a half hour so timing doesn't coinside with our hourly cron
  suppression_time_remaining = suppression_time - (current_time - last_seen)

  if suppression_time_remaining <= 0:
    return False"Suppressing %s, time remaining is %i hours" % (key, (suppression_time_remaining / 3600) + 1))
    return True

def rate_limit_notice(issue):
  Record that this notice is being sent, so further runs will take this into
  account for rate limitation.

  :param Issue issue: issue to update the suppression status for

  key = issue.get_suppression_key()
  hours = issue.get_suppression_duration()

  if hours == 0:

  config = stem.util.conf.get_config('last_notified')
  config.set(key, str(int(time.time())), overwrite = True)
def main():
  start_time = time.time()

  # loads configuration data

  config = stem.util.conf.get_config("consensus_health")
  config.load(util.get_path('data', 'consensus_health.cfg'))

  contact_path = util.get_path('data', 'contact_information.cfg')

  if os.path.exists(contact_path):

  config = stem.util.conf.get_config('last_notified')
  last_notified_path = util.get_path('data', 'last_notified.cfg')

  if os.path.exists(last_notified_path):
    config._path = last_notified_path
  consensuses, consensus_fetching_issues = get_consensuses()
  votes, vote_fetching_issues = get_votes()
  issues = consensus_fetching_issues + vote_fetching_issues
    issues += run_checks(consensuses, votes)
    log.warning("Unable to retrieve any votes. Skipping checks.")
  is_all_suppressed = True  # either no issues or they're all already suppressed

  for issue in issues:
    if not is_rate_limited(issue):
      is_all_suppressed = False

  if not is_all_suppressed:
    for issue in issues:

    destination_labels = []

    for authority, destination in list(destinations.items()):
      if not destination:
        destination_labels.append('%s has no contact information' % authority)
      elif not destination.bcc:
        destination_labels.append('%s at %s' % (authority, destination.address))
        destination_labels.append('%s at %s via bcc' % (authority, destination.address))

    log.debug('Sending notification for issues (%s)' % ', '.join(destination_labels))
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    body = '\n'.join(map(str, issues))
    cc = [d.address for d in list(destinations.values()) if d and not d.bcc]
    bcc = [d.address for d in list(destinations.values()) if d and d.bcc]
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    util.send(EMAIL_SUBJECT, body = body, cc = cc, bcc = bcc)
    if issues:"All %i issues were suppressed. Not sending a notification." % len(issues))
    else:"No issues found.")
  log.debug("Checks finished, runtime was %0.2f seconds" % (time.time() - start_time))

def run_checks(consensuses, votes):
  Performs our checks against the given consensus and vote documents. Checker
  functions are expected to be of the form...

    my_check(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes) => Issue or list of Issues

  :param dict consensuses: mapping of authorities to their consensus
  :param dict votes: mapping of authorities to their votes

  latest_consensus, latest_valid_after = None, None

  for consensus in list(consensuses.values()):
    if not latest_valid_after or consensus.valid_after > latest_valid_after:
      latest_consensus = consensus
      latest_valid_after = consensus.valid_after

  checker_functions = (
    #unknown_consensus_parameters,  # tor is fiddling with these quite a bit, #24895
  all_issues = []

  for checker in checker_functions:
    issues = checker(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes)

    if issues:
      if isinstance(issues, Issue):
        issues = [issues]
      for issue in issues:
  return all_issues

def missing_latest_consensus(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  "Checks that none of the consensuses are more than an hour old."

  stale_authorities = []
  current_time =

  for authority, consensus in list(consensuses.items()):
    if (current_time - consensus.valid_after) > datetime.timedelta(hours = 1):

  if stale_authorities:
    runlevel = Runlevel.ERROR if len(stale_authorities) > 3 else Runlevel.WARNING
    return Issue(runlevel, 'MISSING_LATEST_CONSENSUS', authorities = ', '.join(stale_authorities), to = stale_authorities)
def missing_authority_descriptor(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  Check that each authority has server descriptors for the others. This arises
  when authorities change their Ed25519 key, but others still have the old key

    Mar 23 11:51:42.617 [warn] http status 400 ("Looks like your keypair has
    changed? This authority previously recorded a different RSA identity for
    this Ed25519 identity (or vice versa.) Did you replace or copy some of your
    key files, but not the others? You should either restore the expected
    keypair, or delete your keys and restart Tor to start your relay with a new
    identity.") response from dirserver ''. Please correct.

  issues = []

  for authority, vote in list(votes.items()):
    for peer in list(DIRECTORY_AUTHORITIES.values()):
      if peer.nickname in DIRAUTH_SKIP_CHECKS:

      if peer.fingerprint not in vote.routers:
        issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.WARNING, 'MISSING_AUTHORITY_DESC', authority = authority, peer = peer.nickname, to = authority))

  return issues

def consensus_method_unsupported(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  "Checks that all of the votes support the present consensus method."

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  incompatible_authorities = []
  for authority, vote in list(votes.items()):
    if not latest_consensus.consensus_method in vote.consensus_methods:
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Damian Johnson's avatar
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  if incompatible_authorities:
    return Issue(Runlevel.WARNING, 'CONSENSUS_METHOD_UNSUPPORTED', authorities = ', '.join(incompatible_authorities), to = incompatible_authorities)

def different_recommended_client_version(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  "Checks that the recommended tor versions for clients match the present consensus."

  for authority, vote in list(votes.items()):
    if vote.client_versions and latest_consensus.client_versions != vote.client_versions:
      differences[authority] = _version_difference_str(authority, latest_consensus.client_versions, vote.client_versions)
    return Issue(Runlevel.NOTICE, 'DIFFERENT_RECOMMENDED_VERSION', type = 'client', differences = ', '.join(list(differences.values())), to = list(differences.keys()))

def different_recommended_server_version(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  "Checks that the recommended tor versions for servers match the present consensus."

  for authority, vote in list(votes.items()):
    if vote.server_versions and latest_consensus.server_versions != vote.server_versions:
      differences[authority] = _version_difference_str(authority, latest_consensus.server_versions, vote.server_versions)
    return Issue(Runlevel.NOTICE, 'DIFFERENT_RECOMMENDED_VERSION', type = 'server', differences = ', '.join(list(differences.values())), to = list(differences.keys()))

def _version_difference_str(authority, consensus_versions, vote_versions):
  Provide a description of the delta between the given consensus and vote
  versions. For instance...

    moria1 + - -

  consensus_versions = set(consensus_versions)
  vote_versions = set(vote_versions)

  msg = authority

  for extra_version in vote_versions.difference(consensus_versions):
    msg += ' +%s' % extra_version

  for missing_version in consensus_versions.difference(vote_versions):
    msg += ' -%s' % missing_version

  return msg

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def unknown_consensus_parameters(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  "Checks that votes don't contain any parameters that we don't recognize."

  for authority, vote in list(votes.items()):
    unknown_params = []

    for param_key, param_value in list(vote.params.items()):
      if not param_key in CONFIG['known_params'] and not param_key.startswith('bwauth'):
        unknown_params.append('%s=%s' % (param_key, param_value))

    if unknown_params:
      unknown_entries[authority] = '%s %s' % (authority, ' '.join(unknown_params))

  if unknown_entries:
    return Issue(Runlevel.NOTICE, 'UNKNOWN_CONSENSUS_PARAMETERS', parameters = ', '.join(list(unknown_entries.values())), to = list(unknown_entries.keys()))
def vote_parameters_mismatch_consensus(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  "Check that all vote parameters appear in the consensus."

  for authority, vote in list(votes.items()):
    mismatching_params = []

    for param_key, param_value in list(vote.params.items()):
      if latest_consensus.params.get(param_key) != param_value:
        mismatching_params.append('%s=%s' % (param_key, param_value))

    if mismatching_params:
      mismatching_entries[authority] = '%s %s' % (authority, ' '.join(mismatching_params))

  if mismatching_entries:
    return Issue(Runlevel.NOTICE, 'MISMATCH_CONSENSUS_PARAMETERS', parameters = ', '.join(list(mismatching_entries.values())), to = list(mismatching_entries.keys()))
def certificate_expiration(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  "Check if an authority's certificate is about to expire."

  issues = []
  current_time =

  for authority, vote in list(votes.items()):
    # votes should only have a single authority entry (the one that issued this vote)

    cert_expiration = vote.directory_authorities[0].key_certificate.expires
    expiration_label = '%s (%s)' % (authority, cert_expiration.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S'))
    if (cert_expiration - current_time) <= datetime.timedelta(days = 7):
      issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.WARNING, 'CERTIFICATE_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE', duration = 'week', authority = expiration_label, to = [authority]))
    elif (cert_expiration - current_time) <= datetime.timedelta(days = 14):
      issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.WARNING, 'CERTIFICATE_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE', duration = 'two weeks', authority = expiration_label, to = [authority]))
    elif (cert_expiration - current_time) <= datetime.timedelta(days = 21):
      issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.NOTICE, 'CERTIFICATE_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE', duration = 'three weeks', authority = expiration_label, to = [authority]))
def consensuses_have_same_votes(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  "Checks that all fresh consensuses are made up of the same votes."

  current_time =
  fresh_consensuses = dict((k, v) for k, v in list(consensuses.items()) if ((current_time - v.valid_after) < datetime.timedelta(hours = 1)))
  for consensus in list(fresh_consensuses.values()):
    all_votes.update(set([auth.fingerprint for auth in consensus.directory_authorities]))

  authorities_missing_votes = []

  for authority, consensus in list(fresh_consensuses.items()):
    if set([auth.fingerprint for auth in consensus.directory_authorities]) != all_votes:

  if authorities_missing_votes:
    return Issue(Runlevel.NOTICE, 'MISSING_VOTES', authorities = ', '.join(authorities_missing_votes), to = authorities_missing_votes)
def has_all_signatures(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  "Check that the consensuses have signatures for authorities that voted on it."

  voting_authorities = set([authority.v3ident for authority in list(DIRECTORY_AUTHORITIES.values()) if authority.v3ident])
  for consensus_of, consensus in list(consensuses.items()):
    signing_authorities = set([sig.identity for sig in consensus.signatures])
    missing_authorities = set()
    for missing_signature in voting_authorities.difference(signing_authorities):
      # Attempt to translate the missing v3ident signatures into authority
      # nicknames, falling back to just notifying of the v3ident if not found.

      missing_authority = missing_signature

      for authority in list(DIRECTORY_AUTHORITIES.values()):
        if authority.v3ident == missing_signature:
          missing_authority = authority.nickname

      if missing_authority not in DIRAUTH_SKIP_CHECKS:
    if missing_authorities:
      issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.NOTICE, 'MISSING_SIGNATURE', consensus_of = consensus_of, authorities = ', '.join(missing_authorities), to = missing_authorities))
def voting_bandwidth_scanners(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  "Checks that we have bandwidth scanner results from the authorities that vote on it."

  missing_authorities, extra_authorities = [], []

  for authority, vote in list(votes.items()):
    contains_measured_bandwidth = False

    for desc in list(vote.routers.values()):
      if desc.measured:
        contains_measured_bandwidth = True

    if authority in BANDWIDTH_AUTHORITIES and not contains_measured_bandwidth:

    if authority not in BANDWIDTH_AUTHORITIES and contains_measured_bandwidth:

  issues = []

  if missing_authorities:
    runlevel = Runlevel.ERROR if len(missing_authorities) > 1 else Runlevel.NOTICE
    issues.append(Issue(runlevel, 'MISSING_BANDWIDTH_SCANNERS', authorities = ', '.join(missing_authorities), to = missing_authorities))
    issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.NOTICE, 'EXTRA_BANDWIDTH_SCANNERS', authorities = ', '.join(extra_authorities), to = extra_authorities))
def unmeasured_relays(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  "Checks that the bandwidth authorities have all formed an opinion about at least 90% of the relays."

  issues = []
  consensus_fingerprints = set([desc.fingerprint for desc in list(latest_consensus.routers.values())])
  for authority, vote in list(votes.items()):
    if authority in BANDWIDTH_AUTHORITIES:
      measured, unmeasured = 0, 0
      for desc in list(vote.routers.values()):
        if desc.fingerprint in consensus_fingerprints:
          if desc.measured:
            measured += 1
            unmeasured += 1
      total = measured + unmeasured
      percentage = 100 * unmeasured / total

      if percentage >= 5:
        issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.NOTICE, 'TOO_MANY_UNMEASURED_RELAYS', authority = authority.nickname, unmeasured = unmeasured, total = total, percentage = percentage, to = [authority]))
def has_authority_flag(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  "Checks that the authorities have the 'authority' flag in the present consensus."

  seen_authorities = set()

  for desc in list(latest_consensus.routers.values()):
    if Flag.AUTHORITY in desc.flags:
  known_authorities = set(DIRECTORY_AUTHORITIES.keys())
  missing_authorities = known_authorities.difference(seen_authorities).difference(set(DIRAUTH_SKIP_CHECKS))
  extra_authorities = seen_authorities.difference(known_authorities)

  issues = []

  if missing_authorities:
    issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.WARNING, 'MISSING_AUTHORITIES', authorities = ', '.join(missing_authorities), to = missing_authorities))
  if extra_authorities:
    issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.NOTICE, 'EXTRA_AUTHORITIES', authorities = ', '.join(extra_authorities), to = extra_authorities))
def has_similar_flag_counts(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  "Checks that flags issued by authorities are similar."

  issues = []
  flag_count = {}  # {flag => count}

  for desc in list(latest_consensus.routers.values()):
    for flag in desc.flags:
      flag_count[flag] = flag_count.setdefault(flag, 0) + 1

  for authority, vote in list(votes.items()):
    authority_flag_count = {}

    for desc in list(vote.routers.values()):
      for flag in desc.flags:
        authority_flag_count[flag] = authority_flag_count.setdefault(flag, 0) + 1

    for flag, count in list(flag_count.items()):
      # Skipping check for the following flags because...
      #   * BadExit and StaleDesc is only voted on by a few authorities.
      #   * Running isn't voted on when an authority first starts up.
      #   * moria1 likes to experiment with the HSDir flag.

      if flag in ('BadExit', 'Running', 'HSDir', 'StaleDesc'):

      vote_count = authority_flag_count.get(flag, 0)

      if vote_count > count * 1.5 or vote_count < count * 0.5:
        issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.NOTICE, 'FLAG_COUNT_DIFFERS', authority = authority, flag = flag, consensus_count = count, vote_count = vote_count, to = [authority]))

  return issues

def has_expected_fingerprints(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  "Checks that the authorities have the fingerprints that we expect."

  issues = []
  for desc in list(latest_consensus.routers.values()):
    if desc.nickname in DIRAUTH_SKIP_CHECKS:

    if desc.nickname in DIRECTORY_AUTHORITIES and Flag.NAMED in desc.flags:
      expected_fingerprint = DIRECTORY_AUTHORITIES[desc.nickname].fingerprint

      if desc.fingerprint != expected_fingerprint:
        issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.ERROR, 'FINGERPRINT_MISMATCH', authority = desc.nickname, expected = desc.fingerprint, actual = expected_fingerprint, to = [desc.nickname]))
def is_recommended_versions(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  "Checks that the authorities are running a recommended version or higher."

  outdated_authorities = {}
  min_version = min(latest_consensus.server_versions)

  for authority in list(DIRECTORY_AUTHORITIES.values()):
    if authority.nickname in DIRAUTH_SKIP_CHECKS:

    desc = latest_consensus.routers.get(authority.fingerprint)

    if desc and desc.version and desc.version < min_version:
      outdated_authorities[authority.nickname] = desc.version

  if outdated_authorities:
    entries = ['%s (%s)' % (k, v) for k, v in list(outdated_authorities.items())]
    return Issue(Runlevel.WARNING, 'TOR_OUT_OF_DATE', authorities = ', '.join(entries), to = list(outdated_authorities.keys()))
def bad_exits_in_sync(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  "Checks that the authorities that vote on the BadExit flag are in agreement."

  bad_exits = {}  # mapping of authorities to the fingerprints with the BadExit flag
  for authority, vote in list(votes.items()):
    flagged = [desc.fingerprint for desc in list(vote.routers.values()) if Flag.BADEXIT in desc.flags]

    if flagged:
      bad_exits[authority] = set(flagged)

  if not bad_exits:

  voting_authorities = set(bad_exits.keys())
  agreed_bad_exits = set.intersection(*list(bad_exits.values()))
  disagreed_bad_exits = set.union(*list(bad_exits.values())).difference(agreed_bad_exits)

  issues = []

  for fingerprint in disagreed_bad_exits:
    with_flag = set([authority for authority, flagged in list(bad_exits.items()) if fingerprint in flagged])
    for authority in voting_authorities.difference(with_flag):
      vote = votes[authority]

      if fingerprint in vote.routers:
    if not without_flag:
      continue  # skip notice if the only disagreement is due to not having a vote

    # If this relay's missing from a consensus then don't bother. It gets
    # negligable traffic and is likely part of normal network churn.
    if fingerprint not in latest_consensus.routers:
      log.debug("BadExit sync check is skipping %s because it's not in the latest consensus" % fingerprint)
    attr = ['with flag: %s' % ', '.join(with_flag)]

    if without_flag:
      attr.append('without flag: %s' % ', '.join(without_flag))

      attr.append('not in vote: %s' % ', '.join(not_in_vote))
    # Notify whoever doesn't match the consensus, and as such are in the minority.

    has_flag_in_consensus = Flag.BADEXIT in latest_consensus.routers[fingerprint].flags
    notice_for = without_flag if has_flag_in_consensus else with_flag

    issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.NOTICE, 'BADEXIT_OUT_OF_SYNC', fingerprint = fingerprint, counts = ', '.join(attr), to = notice_for))
def bandwidth_authorities_in_sync(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  Checks that the bandwidth authorities are reporting roughly the same number
  of measurements. This is in alarm if any of the authorities deviate by more
  than 20% from the average.

  measurement_counts = {}  # mapping of authorities to the number of fingerprints with a measurement

  for authority, vote in list(votes.items()):
    measured = [desc.fingerprint for desc in list(vote.routers.values()) if desc.measured is not None]

    if measured:
      measurement_counts[authority] = len(measured)

  if not measurement_counts:

  average = sum(measurement_counts.values()) / len(measurement_counts)

  for authority, count in list(measurement_counts.items()):
    if count > (1.2 * average) or count < (0.8 * average):
      entries = ['%s (%s)' % (authority, count) for authority, count in list(measurement_counts.items())]
      return Issue(Runlevel.NOTICE, 'BANDWIDTH_AUTHORITIES_OUT_OF_SYNC', authorities = ', '.join(entries), to = list(measurement_counts.keys()))
def is_orport_reachable(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  Simple check to see if we can reach the authority's ORPort.
  for authority in list(DIRECTORY_AUTHORITIES.values()):
    # moria1's currently advertized IP address,, has routing issues
    # which are affecting doctor checks as well. See:
    # for
    # details. We therefore just skip the ORPort check for moria1 for the time
    # being to avoid spam on tor-consensus-health@.
    if authority.nickname in DIRAUTH_SKIP_CHECKS or authority.nickname == "moria1":
    desc = latest_consensus.routers.get(authority.fingerprint)

    if not desc:
      continue  # authority isn't in the consensus

    # check the IPv4 ORPort
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    issue = util.check_reachability(desc.address, desc.or_port)
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    if issue:
      issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.WARNING, 'UNABLE_TO_REACH_ORPORT', authority = authority.nickname, address = desc.address, port = desc.or_port, error = issue, to = [authority]))

    # check the IPv6 ORPorts

    for address, port, is_ipv6 in desc.or_addresses:
      issue = util.check_reachability(address, port)
      if issue:
        issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.WARNING, 'UNABLE_TO_REACH_ORPORT', authority = authority.nickname, address = address, port = port, error = issue, to = [authority]))
def shared_random_present(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  Check that the consensus has shared randomness values necessary for hidden
  services to function.

  issues = []

  if latest_consensus.shared_randomness_current_value is None:
    issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.ERROR, 'CURRENT_SHARED_RANDOM_MISSING'))

  if latest_consensus.shared_randomness_previous_value is None:
    issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.ERROR, 'PREVIOUS_SHARED_RANDOM_MISSING'))

  return issues

def shared_random_commit_partitioning(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  Check that each authority's commitment matches the votes from other
  authorities during the commit phase. The commit phase is 0:00 to 12:00 UTC
  and this just checks near the end of that.
  utc_hour = datetime.datetime.utcnow().hour

  if utc_hour < 8 or utc_hour >= 12:

  issues = []
  self_commitments = {}

  for authority, vote in list(votes.items()):
    our_v3ident = DIRECTORY_AUTHORITIES[authority].v3ident
    our_commitment = [c.commit for c in vote.directory_authorities[0].shared_randomness_commitments if c.identity == our_v3ident][0]
    self_commitments[our_v3ident] = our_commitment

  for authority, vote in list(votes.items()):
    for commitment in vote.directory_authorities[0].shared_randomness_commitments:
      if commitment.identity not in self_commitments:
        pass  # we didn't get a vote for this authority so we don't know its self-reported commitment
      elif commitment.commit != self_commitments[commitment.identity]:
        issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.WARNING, 'SHARED_RANDOM_COMMITMENT_MISMATCH', authority = authority, their_v3ident = commitment.identity, our_value = commitment.commit, their_value = self_commitments[commitment.identity], to = [authority]))

def shared_random_reveal_partitioning(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
  Check that each authority's vote has all commitments during the reveal phase.
  The reveal phase is 12:00 to 0:00 UTC and this just checks near the end of

  utc_hour = datetime.datetime.utcnow().hour

  if utc_hour < 20:

  issues = []
  self_reveals = {}

  for authority, vote in list(votes.items()):
    our_v3ident = DIRECTORY_AUTHORITIES[authority].v3ident
    our_reveals = [c.reveal for c in vote.directory_authorities[0].shared_randomness_commitments if c.identity == our_v3ident]

    if not our_reveals:
      issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.WARNING, 'SHARED_RANDOM_NO_REVEAL', authority = authority, to = [authority]))
    elif len(our_reveals) > 1:
      issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.WARNING, 'SHARED_RANDOM_MULTIPLE_REVEAL', authority = authority, count = len(our_reveals), to = [authority]))
      self_reveals[our_v3ident] = our_reveals[0]
  for authority, vote in list(votes.items()):
    commitments = vote.directory_authorities[0].shared_randomness_commitments

    for v3ident, reveal in list(self_reveals.items()):
      matches = [c.reveal for c in commitments if c.identity == v3ident]

      if len(matches) == 0:
        issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.WARNING, 'SHARED_RANDOM_REVEAL_MISSING', authority = authority, their_v3ident = v3ident, their_value = reveal, to = [authority]))
      elif len(matches) > 0:
        issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.WARNING, 'SHARED_RANDOM_REVEAL_DUPLICATED', authority = authority, their_v3ident = v3ident, to = [authority]))
      elif matches[0] != reveal:
        issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.WARNING, 'SHARED_RANDOM_REVEAL_MISMATCH', authority = authority, their_v3ident = v3ident, our_value = matches[0], their_value = reveal, to = [authority]))
  Provides a mapping of directory authority nicknames to their present consensus.

  :returns: tuple of the form ({authority nickname => consensus}, issues)
  return _get_documents('consensus', '/tor/status-vote/current/consensus.z')
  Provides a mapping of directory authority nicknames to their present vote.

  :returns: tuple of the form ({authority nickname => vote}, issues)
  return _get_documents('vote', '/tor/status-vote/current/authority.z')
def _get_documents(label, resource):
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  documents, times_taken, clock_skew, issues = {}, {}, {}, []
  for authority in list(DIRECTORY_AUTHORITIES.values()):
    if authority.v3ident is None:
      continue  # not a voting authority

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    if authority.nickname in DIRAUTH_SKIP_CHECKS:
      continue  # checking of authority impaired

    query = downloader.query(
      endpoints = [(authority.address, authority.dir_port)],
      default_params = False,
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      start_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
      documents[authority.nickname] =[0]
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      response_timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(query.reply_headers.get('date'), '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z')

      times_taken[authority.nickname] = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - start_time).total_seconds()
      clock_skew[authority.nickname] = abs((start_time - response_timestamp).total_seconds())
    except Exception as exc:
      issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.ERROR, 'AUTHORITY_UNAVAILABLE', fetch_type = label, authority = authority.nickname, url = query.download_url, error = exc, to = [authority.nickname]))
  if label == 'consensus' and times_taken:
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    median_time = sorted(times_taken.values())[int(len(times_taken) / 2)]
    authority_times = ', '.join(['%s => %0.1fs' % (authority, time_taken) for authority, time_taken in list(times_taken.items())])
    for nickname, time_taken in list(times_taken.items()):
      if time_taken > median_time * 5:
        issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.NOTICE, 'LATENCY', authority = nickname, time_taken = '%0.1fs' % time_taken, median_time = '%0.1fs' % median_time, authority_times = authority_times, to = [nickname]))
    for nickname, difference in list(clock_skew.items()):
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      if difference > 10:
        issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.NOTICE, 'CLOCK_SKEW', authority = nickname, difference = int(difference), to = [nickname]))
  return documents, issues