Onionoo job crash: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'float'
This is ongoing since 23-03-31-20:15:45 according to our logs. Here is the full first line:
/home/weather/tor-weather/logs/tor-weather-23-03-31-20:15:45.log:03/31/2023 08:15:47 PM : JOB : INFO : Onionoo Job Crashed - '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'float'
I first thought, this might be related to our fix of #57 (closed) but that got a) deployed earlier and b) does not touch anything related to the Onionoo job.
@sarthikg: I am not sure how severe that problem is but a continuous Onionoo job crash sounds bad and might break Tor Weather functionality as keep failing to import the new statuses? Or are we smarter than just aborting that part?
Edited by Georg Koppen