GetTor is a program that presents alternative methods to download Tor Browser, especially when access to Tor Project's official website and mirrors is blocked. For now, the only available method is SMTP (email).
You can check Usage to know how to use it, Design to have an insight of how it works, [#roadmap Roadmap] to see what's coming, [#ideas Ideas] to see some crazy and not so crazy stuff that could be implemented, [#outreach Outreach] to know about collaboration with other projects/communities, and [#tickets Tickets] to have a glimpse of the development progress.
Have you found a bug? Please, fill a ticket.
== Current Development
GetTor is in continuous development. You can find the latest code on this repository. If you have any doubts, suggestions, or feedback, please don't hesitate on contact the GetTor team:
GetTor team | Contact | PGP key |
ilv | ilv[@]torproject dot org | 4096R/540BFC0E |
hiro | hiro[@]torproject dot org |
GetTor's status reports:
February 2015, March 2015, April 2015, May 2015, June 2015, July 2015, August 2015.
== Roadmap
[=#roadmap] Stuff in (light) development:
SMTP channel
- Improve content of emails
- Write better instructions on whats and hows #9036 #8655 #3862
- Enable requests for more locales (English only for now) #3921
- Return locale version and English message when email is sent to gettor+locale@tpo
- Return locale version and translated message when email is sent to gettor+locale@tpo
- Deliver the latest version of Tor Browser #12502 #14744
** Distributions channels**
- Deploy XMPP channel #12819
- Research and (if possible) implement OTR communication.
- Finish Twitter channel
- Research more channels! (e.g. p2p) #9071 #8542
Cloud services
- Integrate Google Drive #13779 #10692
- More tests and then integrate Github #14835
- Automate the upload of latest Tor Browser to the various services integrated #14744
- Research more services!
- Special interest in nice services that are not blocked in mainland China #14114
== Ideas
[=#ideas] Here are some nice ideas that could be implemented in the near future (in no specific order):
If you open a ticket for one of these ideas, please add its number next to the idea it belongs. Thank you.
- The future of GetTor
- Enable the 'mirrors' keyword and return the parsed content of tpo/getinvolved/mirrors.html.en. It would be very helpful to send the direct link for download. #16716
- Enable the 'sha256 checksums' and return dist.tpo/torbrowser/version/sha256sums.txt #3980
- Create a nice way to test GetTor #1593
- Create some kind of bot that makes daily requests to GetTor to check what channels are up.
- Make a nice and beautiful page that explains what is GetTor, why it exists, and how to use it (including key verification).
- Improve stats. What other numbers could we get?
Here are some thoughts that need research, and might be nice ideas to implement if we figure out how:
- Change from generating responses on request by static responses.
- Can we provide Tor Browser via DuckDuckGo?
- Distribute MAR files. Does this actually makes sense? #13781
- Use encryption to circumvent deep packet inspection and cloud service awareness. #13878
- Sign outgoing emails. Would this be useful, or it would just add complexity to the message?
- Receive PGP public keys and reply with encrypted content.
Feel free to add your own idea.
== Outreach
[=#outreach] There are lots of projects and communities out there that share part or all of the goals of GetTor. We might even find time to collaborate with some of them.
- Tor2web: ilv has collaborated with Tor2web in the implementation of a GetTor feature. See their wiki for more details.
- DuckDuckGo: ilv is currently learning how to make instant answers and see if we could do something nice related to GetTor goals.
== Tickets [=#tickets]