Release 0.4.2 Task Status
Tor 0.4.2 is due on December 15, 2019.
This page lists the remaining tickets for Tor 0.4.2. They are all tagged 042-must or 042-should.
It's based Teor's page for 0.4.0 status.
Note that in this version, I'm trying two separate statuses: 042-must and 042-should. A "must" ticket is one that would block release if we did not have it done by 15 December. A "should" ticket is one that we need to work on, in order to conform to our best development practices.
Unassigned tickets
These open tickets are tagged 042-must or 042-should, and they don't have an owner.
Please take the ones you can do. Otherwise, nickm will assign them to the best person to fix or triage the ticket.
[[TicketQuery(status!=closed,owner=,milestone=Tor: 0.4.2.x-final,keywords~=042-must|042-should,group=owner,format=table,order=changetime,desc=true,col=id|summary|status|owner|reviewer|priority|severity|changetime|sponsor,max=100)]]
Triage Tickets
These open tickets are marked 042-must or 042-should, but they are not in 0.4.2:
[[TicketQuery(status!=closed,keywords~=042-must|042-should,milestone=!Tor: 0.4.2.x-final,group=milestone,format=table,order=changetime,desc=true,col=id|summary|status|owner|reviewer|priority|severity|changetime|sponsor,max=100)]]
Owner Action tickets
These tickets are tagged 042-must or 042-should, they have an owner, and they are in a status that needs action from the owner.
Anyone can change the assignments:
- assign themselves one of these tickets,
- un-assign ticket from themselves, or
- ask someone else to take one of their tickets.
You can also decide that a ticket is not a must-do or should-do for 0.4.2, and defer it. If so, make sure you explain why on the ticket.
Needs Review tickets
These tickets are tagged 042-must or 042-should, and they are in needs_review.
Merge Ready tickets
These tickets are tagged 042-must or 042-should, and they are in merge_ready.
Tickets slated for removal from 042
These tickets, in spite of being in the 0.4.2 milestone, are likely to miss 0.4.2 because they are not "must" or "should" or even "can".
[[TicketQuery(status!=closed,keywords!~=042-must|042-should|042-can,milestone=Tor: 0.4.2.x-final,group=milestone,format=table,order=changetime,desc=true,col=id|summary|status|owner|reviewer|priority|severity|changetime|sponsor,max=100)]]