webpages need to be updated - starting point for all research
-new researchers should go to the webpage and get the info they need to get started and the project owners, i.e. a person-in-charge, i.e. who to contact to get started
-prioritized thrust areas
-should have both distinguish well-thought-out research projects and half-baked open ideas
-contain links to content that brand new developers must have to be useful like past papers on anon bib
-contain links to relevant blog posts
-keep it updated
-researchers should transfer from research page to tor-dev to begin communicating with Tor in a useful way, or the project owner
starting point: updated for paper talking about design and specifications since the original for paper in 2004/5
-path selection (bw weighting)
-bandwidth/directory authorities
**links to current projects to avoid duplication of efforts. **
-may conflicts with secretive research groups.
how to handle the conflict?
-more visible/public = improved awareness and improved research quality
-publish code and discussion, not drafts of papers
-intermediate research project results and code should go on public list (tor-dev)
**developer research questions **-->
alot of these are actually important research topics and the research community need to be aware.
-ticket should be created to add a new project to the research webpage
research coordinator
how to handle the roger bottleneck?
does enough manpower exist to hire a new research coordinator?
how to ensure the right research questions get answered?