PT - obfuscation
october - 2015
- white proposal for bridge bandwidth tests which takes !#7349 into account - isis
- rewrite existing PT-spec to be more generic - yawning
- write draft of v.2.0 pt-spec - yawning
- make bridge ORPorts optional - !#7349 - isis
- call for bridges to ru obs4 on port 80 or 443 - isis
- v2 of PT released for review feedback from community on PT spec - yawning
- finalize v.2.0 pt-spec - yawning
November - 2015
- little-t -tor pt-spec v.2.0 implementation - yawning
- update golang libraies for PTV2 support - yawning
- update python libarry for PTV2 support - isis
- Rust PT library? - isis
- redesign bridge auth and white proposal - isis
December - 2015
- pyptlib pt-spec v.2.0 implementation - yawning / isis
- goptlib pt-spec v.2.0 implementation - isis/yawning/dcf
- guides + docs pushed to
- development of implementation-focused documentation + guides for P.T.s released
january - 2016
February - 2016
- Increase PT argument space beyond 510bytes [prop!#227 (moved)] - yawning
- include bridgeDB in chutney - isis
March - 2016
- obs5 development
- kill website flashproxy (<10daily users, too bad, so sad) ( t6.6 5.5?) - yawning
April - 2016
- obs4 gets blocked by (insert adversary here)