october - 2015
- launch 'tor SDKs' info page for app developers - oct 2015
- finish tor buttom mobile add-on port - oct 2015
- orfox pr launch - oct 2015 n8fr8
november - 2015
- push a beta of the iOS vpn project - conrad - november
december - 2015
- release iOS vpn project to public - conrad - december
- make orfox traffic all go through socks (no http proxy)
- threat model/audit of firefox "apps" for use in orfox - dec 2015
- upstreaming orfox code into tor-browser repo - upstream orfox -> TB / december
- standardizing / showing endorsement "official" blessing process -> fall 2015
january - 2016
- add pluggable transport (obfs4) (meek) to iOS VPN - conrad - jan
- reproducible orbot - hans 2016
- orfox iOS P.C with mozilla iOS team - jan
february - 2016
- make the iOS ven builds reproducible (to the best of our ability) - conrad - feb
- add a hidden service API to iOS VPN project - conrad - feb
March - 2016
- tor hardware crypto accel on arm with android (test/verify) 64 bit - ndk
- http proxy built-in to tor daemon to support android
April - 2016
- figure out things with ch.boye & apache http client (fx would like this!)
- "user-land" control port light access/perms for apps - april
- iOS VPN - security audit - conrad - april
may - 2016
- standardize sharing and detecting tor instances
june - 2016
july - 2016
- reproducible build orfox - the future