Tor research wishlist:
- bridge bandwidth measurement (for load balancing)
- replace TLS with post-quantum handshake
- correlation attacks, timing attacks, website fingerprinting attacks and efficient defenses
- completely remove directory authorities, trust-less network
- high latency communication
- compile list of research problems and list to related work
- traffic analysis resistance
- secure load balancing
- path selection
- hide dir auths
- what to use for crypto
- 509-byte wide block cipher that is tweakable
- research into open source, scalable, decentralized org structure and issues
- mobility, low-power client handsets
- how to minimize tor protocol overhead (for mobile clients)
Best practices wishlist:
- when you fork, keep updated with master
- produce small patches, else merge will be close to impossible
- POCs for each group
- link to code, even if it is horribly written
- deployment strategy, transition plan
- sort list of research problems by priority, according to existing funding or potential new funding, director of research and Karen help maintain