Below are notes from strategy-related workshops held at the Tor 2015 Winter Dev meeting in Valencia, Spain. These notes are from sessions facilitated by Sue Gardner.
The strategy groups had fairly wide-ranging conversations about strategy -- e.g., what is the purpose of developing strategy, does Tor want to do it, what might the process for doing it look like. I also asked people to help me work through four questions:
- what are Tor's values
- what are things that are currently going well & want to be preserved/furthered
- what are things that are broken and need fixing in order for Tor to do its work
- who are people that would definitely need to be consulted in the development of a strategy for Tor.
If you want to add, feel free. Just please put any additions at the end of the existing bulleted list. ~~~~
- Values. The prompt: People were asked to use post-it notes to capture what they felt were Tor's most important values. (This was just a brainstorm: not intended to be definitive or official in any way; we did more work on this the next day.) Here's what they wrote:
- free speech x5 (including 'free speech no exceptions', including 'freedom of expression', including 'anonymous speech = free speech')
- diversity x3 (including 'diversity - extrapolate from benefits of relay/network diversity to people')
- freedom x3
- human rights x3 (also 'human rights online', also 'digital human rights')
- anti-harassment
- autonomy
- being in control of computer (instead of being controlled)
- empowerment
- freedom of information
- free software
- freedom of association
- freedom of information
- free to use for everyone
- our code and work should make people's lives better
- privacy
- self-determination
- strong, provable, carefully engineered
- technology excellence
- transparency
- What's working. The prompt: People were asked what things about Tor were currently going well & want to be preserved/furthered? People did this on stickies too; here are the major themes, plus the content of the transcribed stickies. (Note theme grouping is a little fuzzy: there's overlap.)
Tor's work is important. It's helping lots of people.
- social change
- Tor is not a job but rather more
- anonymous speech is free speech
- location anonymity
- free
- enabling free speech
- enables intellectual freedom
- free as in beer, open as in source
- gratis to use
- wide user base
- many use cases
- wide support base and use case
- expanding user community -- interest in using Tor
- responsive to events in the world
Tor is open and transparent.
- open source x6 (including 'source open')
- open/free source and spec
- openly available datasets
- open standards / protocol documentation
- values x3
- transparent
- openness/transparency
- transparency wrt code, research, Tor the business
- open discussion forums, IRC, mailing lists.
- open
Tor is a resilient, robust technology that's successful because of its developer community.
- resilience/robust service: it works
- world-class security thinkers
- excellent tech -- current software
- incredibly carefully designed and engineered solutions
- "it works as advertised" and is reasonably secure
- it's the best that we have
- active developers
- very motivated community
- dedicated developer community
- bad-ass developers
- the techie people we attract
- proposal process for spec changes
- community
- dev meetings
- technical proficiency
- Roger
- Jake
- strength
- great underlying technology
- thorough and serious technical work
- metrics
- Tor leads in secure dev process (developers are increasingly under attack)
- Tor works on mobile and the next 6B net users are mobile
- powerful community
- dedicated community
- tight-knit community
- passionate leaders and volunteers
- smart people
- volunteers
Tor values diversity.
- diversity in people
- (all kinds of) diversity
- multi-language support
- enjoy working
- fun people
- everyone here
Users trust Tor, and they are right to trust it because we behave with integrity.
- ethics x3
- trust
- nearly unanimous support from the hacker community
- reputation for integrity
- public reputation that Tor works and does help give users a sense of privacy and anonymity
- strong reputation
- trust by core users -- reputation
- advertiser tracking
- outreach and collaboration with universities and researchers
- not a serious company
- What's not working. The prompt: people were asked to name things that they feel are problem areas, where things are not working well / may be holding Tor back / need to be fixed.
The funding model should be rethought/revisited.
- funding model
- funding
- does not have a sustainable business model
- vulnerability due to very few large donors (i.e., diversify funding)
- funding diversity
- traditional funders don't fund important projects
- funder-driven
- development is funder-driven
- very American (funding and reputation around the world)
- funding diversity and consistency
- gap between fundraising and developers
- funding is intermittent and scatterbrained
- lack of sustainable funding while appearing to be supported mainly by USA entities
- less government and business funding
The external environment is changing in a way that's bad for Tor and Tor users.
- Tor is becoming outlawed in "democracies" and "universities"
- more and more ISPs are blocking/disallowing Tor relays/exits
- general movement against anonymity
- resistance to website etc. fingerprinting
The Tor organization needs to be better-functioning.
- tendency towards homogenous thinking
- unsure who is doing what
- understaffed/underfunded/overworked
- the organization is broken
- proposal process needs more discussion before implementation (with affected parties)
- more employees, less contractors
- balancing funding among employees/contractors is challenging
- not 100% transparent
There's ambivalence/discomfort about vision and leadership.
- leadership: do we have it, do we need it, do we want it, does it work
- lack of vision
- lack of joint vision as an organization
- "But that's what Roger wants" filter on technical choice for progress / blocking on change
- most of our actions are bottlenecked on Andrew/Roger
- the multiple incompetencies of Tor's current executive director
- management is broken
- hierarchy/internal discussions
- CEO lowers morale with "travel reports"
There's unhappiness about the way people treat each other
- too little care for needs of humans
- fix interpersonal issues. HR++ Tom!
- too much drama
- drama
- recognition of contributions
People want Tor to focus more on the product, end users, usability.
- transition from consultancy to product company
- mobile [doesn't get] enough attention
- too radical; not product oriented
- focus on mass market adoption, less niche
- constantly hear from our audience that Tor is too slow
- usability
- Tor is hard to use by ordinary users
- website is hard to navigate
- need mobile support
- performance/latency drives away users
People want Tor to be more international and diverse.
- [lack of] diversity of core membership both gender and ethnic/culturally
- [we need more] outreach/diversity
- too much English (not organized with national community)
- too US-centric -- leadership, funding, culture
- multi-language support
People are worried about Tor's public reputation.
- hidden services
- controversial
- child porn / Silk Road / drugs
- partners/users -- we need to tell their stories better
- hard to trust if [you are] completely outside ecosystem - naturally suspicious - government support
- 10-year timeframe too long for strategic planning and one-year is too short
- accept Tor's inherent political-ness and use it as an advantage
- there are no contenders to the throne (competition in the space)
- easy for people to feel left out due to distributed workforce
- [we need] more research on traffic analysis (E2E correlation; website fingerprinting) and Tor path selection (make it aware of AS/ISP)
- [we need] more legal advice/help
- [we need to] promote to academia
- People. The prompt: Who are people that would definitely need to be consulted in the development of a strategy for Tor. I asked people to name anybody who they thought was particularly wise/thoughtful/knowledgeable about Tor and what it should be doing. Okay to name internal people (including yourself) and external people/thought leaders, etc.
- Mike Perry x6
- Roger x4
- Karsten x4
- Moritz x4
- Ian Goldberg x3
- Edward Snowden x2
- George Danezis x2 ('for threat modeling')
- Jacob x2
- Leif x2
- Lunar x2
- Nathan x2 (including 'Nathan Frietas (mobile)')
- Paul Syverson x2
- Weasel x2
- Alex Stamos (CISO Yahoo)
- Arturo
- Cory Doctorow
- Nick Mathewson
- Wendy
- Claudia Diaz ('Kul, for anonymity', COSIC)
- Günes Acar ('for device fingerprinting, also Kul, COSIC)
- Andrew
- Isis
- Ximin
- Naif
- Yawning
- David Fifield (Note: presumably he is the guy from NMap?)
- John Gilmore
- "The people at TAILS"
- Eleanor Saitta
- Dr. Eric Novotny (Note: presumably from USAID?)