== Support Portal meeting
=== Session notes
The goal is to model the Tor support portal after the Twitter support portal (https://support.twitter.com/)
Isa worked closely with the Twitter team that made that portal and will advise us on what Twitter did.
Original support portal will be flat HTML (non-interactive)
Search feature is desired, duckduckgo might be able to help
We will pull content from the old help-desk templates
We will pull content from stackexchange
We will create new content based on the support emails that execdir continues to receive
We will build a glossary of Tor terms that will supplement the manual and FAQ
Many FAQ entries will link back to the user manual
We will use Transifex for multi-lingual support
We will work with other teams when building this, namely applications and ux
simple searchable interface
lessen the need for a human-staffed support desk
make it easier for new users to open tickets for needs not addressed in the portal (actual bugs and usability fixes)
Open questions
Can we get DuckDuckGo to create the search interface?
What is the timeline for this project? (note: we hope to have one in place by the end of 2016)
How should we handle support for Tor-related apps, eg Orbot, Ricochet, and Tails?