Tor has currently some 40 machines. Some of them will disappear in the future. We need to figure out ways of how to replace them.
- Is there a budget on this? Right now there is no budget, but that might come
- There are some machines were noone knows who uses them and what is their purpose. Maybe kill them?
- future services which were requested
- DotTor
- Sandstorm
- Mumble (there is a VM which isn't used for a year)
- TBB has now lots of users, which download the software. The bandwidth is nowadays quite much. Goal: move it to a CDN. Maybe Fastly is the solution. weasel is in talks with them.
- naif knows some persons which work in data centers.
- Could Mozilla help? Shari could go into talks with several executives
- Nick offered also ressources in Calyx
- Maybe only do updates via Fastly
- Will we loose the user numbers if we move to Fastly? Question: What do we need? Currently one sees the redirects. Maybe that's sufficient.
- Do we need the metrics and for what?
- Greenhost does hosting for OTF and DrWhax offered VMs.
- Linus (Sunet) also offered VMs. Bandwidth is not a problem here.
- we run ud-ldap
- user can make some settings
- maybe changes: ldap pw == user pw == sudo pw; this should be changed
- deal with all the users (spam, back/restore etc.)
- central place were some "agency" can have a look
- Policy: If you have a .forward, which places are OK