# Tor at IFF
Dates: April 1st - 5th 2019
Location: [Las Naves](https://www.lasnaves.com/), [Valencia](https://goo.gl/maps/hTJWADFJR922)
Free, but limited number of tickets
== Tor Attendees
- Gus
- Alison
- Matt
- Antonela
- Maggie
- Hiro
- Emma
- Helen
- Colin?
- Pili
- OONI People?
== Discussion points
- Alison:
- Large Community and UX presence
- User testing
- Meet up
- One evening, provide food, do it in Las Naves
- Use it as an opportunity to have a mini team meeting (5 days)
- Branded glitter (purple and green)
- Confetti
- Make sure it's environmentally friendly
- Booth
- Demos
- Located towards the entrance
- All days
- Antonela: Maybe best on a few days only
- Maggie: Will it be expected that we're there the whole time
- Depends how many Tor people will be there.
- 2 people on the booth, 1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon
- Everyone else can be in the sessions
- Make a schedule
- Matt:
- How
- Technology track
- Useless
- Sharing work without take-aways, calls to action, nothing new to learn, just a show and tell
- How can we do better?
- Tor can pay a more vital role
- help users when it's the right tool to use
- Other tracks more useful
- people share their experiences
- how they do things
- gives people ideas to
- Much larger Tor presence
- Table
- User testing
- Validate Personas
- Outreach
- Do we want to have space outside main IFF venue also? it's a 12h day as it is...
- Low key activities, i.e
- Happen early on, first days
- Do it like ccc
- keep a number of tickets back to give to certain organisations, e.g Tor
- Share deadlines with UX and community teams
- Gus:
- Tor Meet up beforehand elsewhere in Spain?
- Can give some IFF tickets there
- Can have more in depth conversations with people if we do that
- Go from Lisbon, to Valencia, to... ? :)
- Antonela:
- Can we keep some tickets back to give at Tor Meet up?
- Maggie:
- Do we want to do a Relay Operator meetup?
- Alison: We could but it's best to do it if Colin comes\
- Have a drop-in space
== Goals
- Building community
- User Personas
- User Testing
== Sessions
- Maggie: Privacy 101 and Online Harrassment session
- Doxxing, etc...
- Gus: How to become a Tor volunteer
- Matt: Should probably be a self organised session...
- Antonela: User Testing?
- Antonela: Show and Tell: Browser improvements
- Alison: Library Freedom Session
- Emma Peel: GPG session?
- Maggie: Raspberry Pi relay
- Gus: Global South session
- Make sure it's not just Latam focused
- Make it more like a dialogue
- OONI talks?
== Funding
- Sponsor 9: Find out organisations that are coming from countries that we are targeting.
- What's our budget?
- Can Tor sponsor a bar night?
== Organisation
- Meet with organisers to discuss our plans
== Next Steps
[ ] Matt: Keep us updated about proposals
[ ] Alison: Start thinking about budget
[ ] Everyone: Think about any swag we want to bring
[ ] Pili: Share notes |
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