On-Boarding - General Information
Excellent, welcome! If these instructions are applicable for you (or you want a head-start in the process) then this page should help you find the information you need. If it doesn't and you find something is missing from this page then please add it!
If you are going through the on-boarding process, then here are some resources and processes which may interest you.
- torproject.org email address/ldap account/git repository/...
- Getting a @torproject.org email address and other infrastructure resources is a simple process if you are already a Core Tor person.
- Obtaining it is as simple as following the instructions on https://help.torproject.org/tsa/doc/accounts/
- The most important part is having an advocate who opens the ticket for you - provide them with the necessary details when they ask for them.
- Mailing Lists:
- Depending on how you are helping Tor you may be interested in the mailing lists we provide: https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo
- These lists are related to development, quality assurance, outreach, and fundraising. Feel free to subscribe to the lists most relevant to you and your interests.
- Real-time Communication:
- We currently prefer IRC for public group discussions. These discussions include the daily activities of The Tor Project, code development, code review, design discussions, and much more.
- Refer to the IRC channels on https://www.torproject.org/about/contact.html.en#irc for the lists.
- If you are not familiar with IRC and/or don't know what half of that means then please ask for help...we will help you. Ask about wtf@, too.
- Be aware that IRC is easily monitored. Group (channels) communication cannot be protected. One-to-one conversations (private messages) can be end-to-end encrypted using OTR. Use it!
- We use Signal for private communication.
- Finding information about other Tor People:
- We have a directory of (nearly?) all active people involved with The Tor Project.
- The LDAP search is usually a good place to start, especially if you want someone's PGP key. https://db.torproject.org/
- If you can't find someone then ask.