September 30 2016 - March 31 2017
Deliverables are organized by milestones listed bellow.
Milestone 1: Dec 23rd
Completion of the Alpha release of Security Slider configuration component.
September 2016
- Review Tor Browser "Tor Button" code including Security Slider (More info on TB Security Slider at #9387)
- Begin to port Security Slider code to Android software platform. (Ticket for FE dev #20815)
- create ux for security slider on mobile (wireframes)
October 2016
- Continue porting Security Slider code for Android platform.
- created FE code based on wireframes
- Identify tasks for future porting of other desktop Tor Browser "Tor Button" functionalities to mobile Tor Browser.
- Identify candidate UX workshop partner organizations in target countries - DONE - India - Brasil (maybe Colombia)
November 2016
- Contact UX workshop partner candidates and confirm availability (Brazil, India).
- Continue developing Security Slider functionality and user interface components on Android.
- Finish FE
- Work on BE
Milestone 2: 27 Jan 2017
Completion of stable release of Security Slider configuration component.
December 2016
- Complete porting Security Slider code to Android.
- Perform software QA (functional and integration tests) on Security Slider functionality.
- Finalize logistics of UX workshop meetings.
Milestone 3: 28 Feb 2017
Completion of Usability Workshops in target countries.
January 2017
- Provide materials, guidance, and administrative and logistical support for UX testing partners.
Milestone 4: 31 March 2017
=== a) Completion of usability improvements from workshop feedback. b) Submission of the Final Report of all activities and results. ===
February 2017
- Review, triage, and functionally translate feedback from UX workshops.
- Fix "Level 1" UX findings (visible errors and significant impediments to usability) in the Security Slider component of the mobile browser.
- Milestone 1 report - pdf
- Milestone 2 report - pdf
- Milestone 3 report - pdf
- Milestone 4 report