Sponsor 6
Title - The Library Freedom Project
Contract time: February 9, 2015 - February 16, 2017
Providing librarians and their patrons with tools and information to better understand their digital rights by scaling a series of privacy workshops for librarians. Private companies and the government increasingly control a large part of online communications, and as a result, society is facing a new set of challenges around privacy, surveillance, censorship and free speech. As stewards of information and providers of Internet access, librarians are in a prime position to educate patrons about their digital rights. The Library Freedom Project aims to make real the promise of intellectual freedom in libraries by bringing together a coalition of librarians, technology experts and lawyers to scale a series of privacy workshops for librarians. The workshops will provide librarians and their patrons with tools and information to better understand technology, privacy and law related to use of the Internet.
The library Freedom Project will carry out the following activities:
- Develop a six-week online course about digital privacy rights and tools
- Record and post digital teach-ins for librarians on privacy tools
- Partner with the ACLU to develop an online resource for librarians seeking to understand surveillance law of their particular state
- Host 40 privacy workshops in 2015
- Host 60 privacy workshops in 2016
- Maintain a regularly updated website with privacy resources