Sponsor 27
Project Title: Onion Services
Project Period: 4/1/2019 - 3/31/2020
Teams involved:
- network
- applications
- ux
Project Goals/Activities
Objective 1: Enhance onion services and make v3 the default version on Core Tor, so it can scale and be more stable, with the goal of enabling more organizations to adopt it for their users.
- Activity 1.1 - Make v3 the default on Core Tor stable TicketQuery(parent=#29995&or&parent=#30200,format=progress)
- Activiy 1.2 - Adopt OnionBalance features into onion services v3 TicketQuery(parent=#26768&or&parent=#29998,format=progress)
- Activity 2 - Denial of service defenses TicketQuery(parent=#29999,format=progress)
Objective 2: Improve the end user experience of onion services with the goal of increasing user adoption and retention.
- Activity 1 - Integrating client-side authorization to onion services v3 TicketQuery(parent=#30000&or&parent=#14389,format=progress)
- Activity 2 - Notify users about typo errors when entering .onion addresses TicketQuery(parent=#30022,format=progress)
- Activity 3 - Notify users if a current website they are visiting on Tor Browser has an onion service version TicketQuery(parent=#30024,format=progress)
- Activity 4 - Better client-side errors TicketQuery(parent=#30025&or&parent=#19251,format=progress)
- Activity 5 - POC for Human-memorable addresses for .onion services TicketQuery(parent=#30029,format=progress)
Project Tracking
- In the network team: Kanban Board filtered by sponsor 27.
Tickets related