Vidalia: 0.3.x
All issues for this milestone are closed. You may close this milestone now.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Rebecca have learning.
- Toggle Between Bandwidth for Relay [Vidalia]
- refactored vidalia alpha to compile against Qt5 SDK
- Vidalia 0.3.x sometimes stalls at "Authenticating to Tor" stage
- Socks and Proxy Server List on Vidalia
- The countries' list in CountryInfo.cpp is not complete
- Test torrc handling in Vidalia alpha
- Support safecookie auth
- Vidalia should check if Tor supports an option before applying
- Compile time warning when generating ui_AdvancedPage.h
- Test the new bootstrap procedure in Vidalia alpha
- Vidalia - 0.3.1-alpha no longer launches Polipo on Windows
- Vidalia 0.3.1 doesn't show the network and related information
- Rename "New Identity" to "New Circuit"
- Vidalia Proxy settings partly loss after toggle.
- A "fast but less secure" button
- Test Vidalia-0.3.1-rc (alpha release)
- If CookieAuth and PasswordAuth are both offered, and cookie fails, fall back to password
- Vidalia should allow users to add HidServAuth torrc lines
- Vidalia should be able to use __OwningControllerProcess and TAKEOWNERSHIP
- RFC: Detachable tabs
- RFC: Plugin framework design
- Vidalia in TBB gives no hint that there's a browser window coming
- Make Vidalia hide control window when double clicking systray icon
- Unable to do non- interactive install (deb package)
- Vidalia 0.3.0: Segfault when restarting Tor without starting it first
- Vidalia 0.3.0: "Start Tor" button without effect
- Typo: bandwith
- show control panel when opening tabs through systray menu
- Vidalia 0.3.0-alpha "Connected to the Tor network!" text right-justified
- Network panel : Improve search in the routers list
- Some ideas for Vidalia's network graph
- Vidalia's new GUI
- Add a simple activity indicator to the system tray
- Change description of 'start' check box
- Schedule different torrc options (e.g. bandwidth) at different times
- Request: "Restart Proxy Application" button
- Do not overwrite custom added exit policies
- Add a way to SIGHUP Tor arbitrarily
- Leave the 'Exit Policies' tab enabled for bridge relays, but disable all the checkboxes
- Reasonable default and warning for Vidalia exit policy settings
- Add more config file options to Vidalia
- Generalize Vidalia's configuration for Firefox
- Vidalia's password prompt is often unhelpful; generates support requests
- Pick up the breakpad integration